Ted Wright - Review of The Moses Controversywww.EpicArchaeology.org - March 15, 2019
Ted Wright with Epic Archaeology gives a brief overview of the latest Patterns of Evidence The Moses Controversy film by Director Tim Mahoney where I give a little more in-depth thought and analysis to the film and the subject matter of the film.
Is the Bible the inspired word of God? Or is it a book of fables and myths?
Award-winning investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney and his Patterns of Evidence team return with a brand-new examination into The Moses Controversy.
A debate rages over the credibility of the Bible. A scientific investigation seeks answers. Learn more at www.patternsofevidence.com
Trailer: Mountain of MosesRyan Mauro is a security expert with The Clarion Project, a frequent commentator on Fox News, and an all-around great guy.
Sinai in Arabia TripSome clips from 2 days in the "red rock" exit route area to the Promised Land. 1 day on the west side of Lawz/Maqla (Mt. Sinai range) and 1 day on the eastern edge of the plain the Israelites encamped on in front of Sinai. Website: https://DiscoveredSinai.com