Free energy of Tesla. Film (Dubbed into English).Site -
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Genre: docudrama
Type: documentary
Year: 2011
Director: Misha Kostrov
Creative director: Eugene Sannikov
Producer: Victor Mirsky, Sergey Sozanovsky
Creative producer: Oksana Maidanskaya
Director of photography: Vladimir Kratinov
Scriptwriter: Nataliya Doilnitsyna
Аwards: Platinum Remi Award, WorldFest Houston 2013
The film tacks together two tales: a historical account of Tesla's eventful life and his pioneering research into physics and bold experiments with electricity.
Suffering from a fatal malady as a child the future great physicist promised his parents that he would recover under the sole condition...if they allowed him to become an engineer. And he kept his promise. Never ending yearning for knowledge, research practice, creative endeavor, discoveries that have unfixed all established notions -- that's what was the characteristic of the great physicist. Nikola Tesla would always remain a scientist whose life was a sort of mystification rather than pure reality.
The Story of Film: An Odyssey -- Part 3Chapters 7-9: European New Wave, New Directors, New Forms, and American Cinema of the '70s. We discover how French filmmakers planted a bomb under the movies and see how this "new wave" swept across Europe and all around the world. We discover the films of Roman Polanski, Andrei Tarkovsky, and Nagisa Oshima. Paul Schrader reveals his thoughts on his existential screenplay for Taxi Driver, Robert Towne explores the dark ideas in Chinatown, and Charles Burnett talks about the birth of Black American cinema.
'The Lazarus Effect' Film from (RED) & HBOExecutive produced by Spike Jonze, this (RED), HBO & Anonymous Content 30-minute documentary follows the story of HIV positive people in Africa who in as few as 40 days undergo a remarkable transformation thanks to access to treatment that costs around 40 cents a day. Directed by Lance Bangs.
In the Fall of 2010 (RED) followed up with the individuals featured in the film. Watch the video on, the second video on the playlist to the right.
Sikkim by Satyajit Ray - The Unseen Film for 39 long yearsSikkim is a 1971 Indian documentary about the nation of Sikkim, directed by Satyajit Ray. The documentary was commissioned by the Chogyal (King) of Sikkim at a time when he felt the sovereignty of Sikkim was under threat from both China and India. Ray's documentary is about the sovereignty of Sikkim. The film was banned by the government of India, when Sikkim merged with India in 1975. In 2000, the copyright of the film was transferred to the Art and Cuture Trust of Sikkim. The ban was finally lifted by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in September 2010.
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JESUS Film Albanian- Hiri i Zotit Jezu Krisht qoftë me ju të gjithë. Amen. (Revelation 22:21)The Film based on Luke's Gospel: JESUS Virgin Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. FEAR NOT! CALL JESUS! (Romans 10:13) Në fakt: ''Kushdo që do ta thërrasë emrin e Zotit do të shpëtohet''. Amen! According to this Scripture: you Call you are Save! Amen! Amen!
Now Bible is your GPS - Read it; Do it; Live into it..(Matthew 24:13) 1por ai që do të ngulmojë deri në fund do të shpëtohet.
(Habakkuk 2:14) Sepse dheu do të mbushet me diturinë e lavdisë të Zotit, ashtu si ujërat mbushin detin.
John 10:1 ''Në të vërtetë, në të vërtetë unë po ju them: Ai që nuk hyn nëpër derë të vathës së deleve, por ngjitet nga një anë tjetër, ai është vjedhës dhe kusar;
2 kurse kush hyn nëpër derë është bariu i deleve.
3 Atij ia hap portieri; delet e dëgjojnë zërin e tij, dhe ai i thërret delet e tij me emër dhe i prin jashtë.
4 Dhe, pasi i ka nxjerrë delet e tij, shkon para tyre; dhe delet e ndjekin, sepse njohin zërin e tij.
5 Por nuk ndjekin asnjë të huaj, por do të ikin larg tij, sepse nuk e njohin zërin e të huajve''.
6 Jezusi u tha atyre këtë shëmbëlltyrë, por ata nuk morën vesh për çfarë po u fliste.
7 Prandaj Jezusi u tha atyre përsëri: ''Në të vërtetë, në të vërtetë po ju them: unë jam dera e deleve.
8 Të gjithë ata që erdhën para meje janë vjedhës e kusarë; por delet nuk i kanë dëgjuar.
9 Unë jam dera; nëse dikush hyn nëpërmjet meje, do të shpëtohet; do të hyjë, do të dalë dhe do të gjejë kullotë.
10 Vjedhësi nuk vjen veçse për të vjedhur, për të vrarë e për të shkatërruar; por unë kam ardhur që të kenë jetë e ta kenë me bollëk.
11 Unë jam bariu i mirë; bariu i mirë jep jetën e vet për delet.
12 Kurse rrogëtari, që nuk është bari, dhe delet nuk janë të vetat, sheh ujkun që po vjen, i braktis delet dhe ikën; dhe ujku i rrëmben dhe i shpërndan delet.
13 Rrogëtari ikën, sepse është rrogëtar dhe nuk do t'ia dijë për delet.
14 Unë jam bariu i mirë, dhe i njoh delet e mia dhe ato më njohin mua,
15 ashtu siç më njeh Ati mua dhe unë e njoh Atin dhe lë jetën time për delet.
16 Unë kam edhe dele të tjera që nuk janë të kësaj vathe; duhet t'i mbledh edhe ato, dhe ato do ta dëgjojnë zërin tim, dhe do të jetë një tufë e vetme dhe një Bari i vetëm.
17 Prandaj Ati më do, sepse unë e lë jetën time që ta marr përsëri.
18 Askush nuk mund të ma heqë, por e lë nga vetja; unë kam pushtet ta lë e pushtet ta marr përsëri; ky është urdhri që kam marrë nga Ati im''.
19 Atëherë lindi përsëri një përçarje midis Judenjve për shkak të këtyre fjalëve.
20 Dhe shumë nga ata thoshnin: ''Ai ka një demon dhe nuk është në vete; përse e dëgjoni?''.
21 Të tjerë thoshnin: ''Këto nuk janë fjalë të një të demonizuari; a mundet një demon t'ua hap sytë të verbërve?''.
22 U kremtua festa e Kushtimit në Jeruzalem, dhe ishte dimër.
23 Dhe Jezusi po ecte në tempull, nën portikun e Salomonit.
24 E rrethuan, pra, Judenjtë dhe i thanë: ''Deri kur do të na mbash pezull? Nëse je Krishti, na e thuaj haptas''.
25 Jezusi u përgjigj atyre: ''Unë jua kam thënë, por ju nuk besoni; veprat që bëj në emër të Atit tim, janë ato që dëshmojnë për mua.
26 Por ju nuk besoni, sepse nuk jeni nga delet e mia, siç jua kam thënë.
27 Delet e mia e dëgjojnë zërin tim, unë i njoh dhe ato më ndjekin;
28 dhe unë u jap atyre jetën e përjetshme dhe nuk do të humbasin kurrë, e askush nuk do t'i rrëmbejë nga dora ime.
29 Ati im, që m'i dha, është më i madh se të gjithë; dhe askush nuk mund t'i rrëmbejë nga dora e Atit tim.
30 Unë dhe Ati jemi një''
REBELOVÉ - Film o filmuDokument o natáčení českého retromuzikálu Filipa Renče (2001). Režie J. Kačírek ml.
Jesus der Film ► [German HQ-Version | 2014]• † • Jesus - der meistgesehene Film aller Zeiten • † •
☧ Jesus – jeder kennt ihn, doch wer war er wirklich? Und was hat sein Leben und Sterben vor 2.000 Jahren mit uns heute zu tun?
☧ Begegnen Sie einer faszinierenden Persönlichkeit. Einem Menschen, der sich auf die Seite von Kranken, Armen und Außenseitern stellte, der heilte, predigte, polarisierte und liebte.
☧ Der von den einen als Befreier und König gefeiert wurde und kurz darauf vom religiösen Establishment geopfert wurde.
Begegnen Sie Jesus – einem Jesus, der anders war, ganz anders.
Dieser Klassiker der Filmgeschichte hält sich eng an die Biografie des Arztes Lukas, das Lukas-Evangelium.
☧ Mit 5.000 Akteuren an Originalschauplätzen gedreht, wird das Leben von Jesus schlicht, lebendig, bewegend und echt dargestellt.
☧ Der meistübersetzte Film aller Zeiten ist in über 1.200 Sprachen erhältlich und wurde weltweit von Milliarden Menschen gesehen.
Jezus Film Nederlands gesprokenJezus kwam om de zonde van de wereld weg te nemen. Opdat ieder die in Hem gelooft niet verloren gaat maar eeuwig leven heeft. Bekijk de film over het leven en de boodschap van Jezus.
Wil je God leren kennen en zijn vergeving ontvangen? Kijk op
Going Dark: The Final Days of Film Projection (Documentary 1080p)Hollywood is forcing theaters to either go digital or go dark. Studios have decided they will no longer send out film prints of new releases after 2014, eliminating the need for a 35mm film projectionist in most theaters. Going Dark profiles two projectionists during their last days on the job.
Directors: Jason Gwynn, Jay Sheldon
Produced by Jason Gwynn
Music by Jonathan Paulsen
Cinematography by Jason Gwynn
Co-cinematographer Jay Sheldon
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Prijedorska polja smrti | dokumentarni film (+16)Don`t forget 31.05.1992 !
Zaboravnima da ne zaborave. Budućim generacijama da se nauče.Onima koji su spremni halaliti - opomena : "Naša zemlja i naš narod bili su osuđeni na uništenje. Sam naš opstanak je naša POBJEDA !"
Mondays: Documentaries, Shorts With One Actor & Did Josh Go To Film School?Ryan talks shooting a short film with just one actor, Documentaries, and did Josh go to Film School?
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Film Not Dead YetA look at a community of people in Manhattan that still sell, shoot and develop analog film. Help us keep making these by showing support on CNN.
ANCIENT ILLUMINATI - Riddles In Stone - FEATURE FILM3-HOUR FREE Movie. UFOTV® Accept no imitations! - Explore the fascinating history behind the Masonic and Rosicrucian influence so prevalent amongst the ILLUMANATI's Founding Fathers as they planned the layout of America's Capitol. For years, extreme controversy has abounded as to the exact meaning of the occult symbols found within the street layout, the buildings, and the monuments of Washington, D.C. Was this city laid out to reflect the vision of a Masonic Christ foreseen by Sir Francis Bacon? Is it true that America's capitol was laid out according to the astrological shapes of certain planets and stars so revered by occultists? Does this occult "wisdom" represent the interests of America, or a hidden agenda? What can these realities mean for the unfolding destiny of America and the world? Now you will know that, when President Bush said he was fulfilling the "Ancient Hope" of the "New Order of the Ages" he was merely acting out the plan reflected in the street layout and in the architecture of Washington, D.C.
ILLUMINATI SECRETS: Riddles In Stone - Coming soon to iTunes and Special Edition DVD from UFOTV. Visit us online
This Film is Not Yet Rated part 7Reuploaded with sound! Sorry about that..
Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of Slasher Film (Sub. Esp)Documental sobre los Slasher films
The Story of Film: An Odyssey -- Part 1Chapters 1-3: Birth Of The Cinema, The Hollywood Dream, and The Golden Age of World Cinema. The opening of THE STORY OF FILM: AN ODYSSEY shows the birth of a great new art form: the movies. We see how Hollywood became a glittering entertainment industry and how star directors like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton emerged in the roaring twenties. Then we visit Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Shanghai and Tokyo to discover the places where movie makers were pushing the boundaries of the medium.
How to Write & Produce a Documentary : Indy NewsGriffin shares the pre-production process on his Sriracha documentary. Plus, YouTube turns 8, David Cross visits, and Legos build a James Bond film! Like the film production at
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The Jesus Film - Hausa / Habe / Haoussa / Kado Language (Nigeria, West Africa)The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God).
According to the Gospel of Luke.
(Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon) Hausa / Habe / Haoussa / Kado /Abakwariga / Hausawa Mgbakpa Language.
God Bless You All.
SPIRITUAL TURBULENCE -- CHRISTIANITY & JUDAISM -- Most Amazing Film !!! - HDA surprising film from the award winner filmmaker of "Hamesima X".
The true story of Daniel, a young Israeli who traveled to the US in search for "the meaning of life".
While studying for pilot certification in Long Island, Daniel is being introduced to the Messianic Church, he is being baptized and becomes an active Christian missionary.
SPIRITUAL TURBULENCE is another spectacular movie from the award winner director Yuval Ovadia.
To see Yuval Ovadia's award winner film HAMESIMA X, contact:
or go to
For the memory of -- לע"נ:
David ben Ima Shalom
Elyahu ben Penina
Refael ben Batya
Natan Yaakubov ben Yafa
Yehuda ben Yehoshua
Rivaka bat Sarah
David Levi ben Rachel
Raaya bat Freicha
For complete health & success of:
Rafael ben Mafrat
Iyar Refael ben Inbar
Reuven ben Yochevet
Menashe ben Sarah
Yusupuv Family
Eliyahu ben Istam
"Rosyjskie Kroniki Kryminalne część 1" - film dokumentalny. Lektor PLDołącz do Nas na Facebook-u
Pozostałe części serii "Rosyjskie Kroniki Kryminalne" znajdziesz w linku
North Korean Film Madness (Documentary | Part 1/3)We went to North Korea to try and penetrate the Korean Feature Film Studio, the state-run film production facility west of Pyongyang: a sprawling lot that at its height produced around 40 films a year.
Watch the rest here!
You could say that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il has two primary obsessions: maintaining nuclear weapons capability as a means of protecting his "hermit kingdom," and thwarting pressure from outside forces like America and the rest of the industrialized world to open his country to modern things like electricity... and he's obsessed with film. He loves movies. It's rumored that he has one of the largest private film collections in the world. His favorite film is Gone with the Wind and his favorite actress is Elizabeth Taylor. He's a film collector and bona fide cinephile, but he's much more. He's everything really. He's a director, a producer, a financier, a costume maker, set designer, screenwriter, cameraman, sound engineer... and he's also a film theorist. His masterwork on aesthetics and practice is "On the Art of Cinema" (written and published in the early 1970s). In it he gives himself the humble title, "Genius of the Cinema." He built an extensive film studio in Pyongyang and when he couldn't find someone to make his film he did what any self-respecting eternal leader and great president would do... he kidnapped one.
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ILLUMINATI SECRETS - The New Atlantis - FEATURE FILMFREE 2.5 HOUR MOVIE from UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! - WINNER for Best Documentary from the New York Film Festival, The Los Angeles Film Festival and The Tele Awards. Discover Ancient Secrets of the Illuminati that affect our lives today in this Award Winning Feature Film which is the first film in the "The Illuminati Trilogy Series." This is by far the best Feature Film ever Produced on the History and Secrets of the Illuminati, and Masonic Civilization.
The ILLUMINATI and The New Atlantis - Coming soon to iTunes and Special Edition DVD from UFOTV. Visit us online - Go to
Oblivion completo italiano (Film completo)Oblivion completo italiano (Film completo)
Bondye Bon (Dieu est bon) - Le Film entierBondye Bon (Dieu est bon) raconte la lutte sourde qui oppose les trois pratiques religieuses en Haïti. Entre le catholicisme, le protestantisme et le vaudou, le filtre du religieux permet de comprendre combien Haïti se débat depuis son origine dans un conflit de civilisation. Occident chrétien contre Afrique animiste. Endoctrinement de masse contre liberté individuelle. Dictature contre démocratie.
De l'évêque de Port-au-Prince au chef du vaudou haïtien, d'un pasteur candidat à la présidentielle à la fidèle baptiste qui vit dans un camp de déplacés et au Premier ministre, Bondye Bon raconte un pays dont l'Etat est effondré et dont une partie du peuple recourt au miracle pour croire encore à un avenir possible.
Un film de Ian Jaquier et Arnaud Robert.
Images: Julien Fontaine
Son: Masaki Hatsui
Montage: Daniel Gibel
Sodoma - zakázaný ruský film SK titulkyO filme:
Dokumetárny film ruského režiséra Arkadija Viktoroviča Mamontova z roku 2014 pod názvom SODOMA, predovšetkým vyjasňuje rozličný prístup, ale aj manipuláciu so slovným termínom ako rodina, matka, otec, rodič: od západa na východ, od náboženstva do štátu.
Aj po viac ako tisícročia tradičného ponímania rodiny, založeného na hodnotách svetových náboženstiev, predovšetkým kresťanstva, ľudstvo pod diktátom západných centier moci, prichádza do fázy nového ponímaia spoločensky prijateľných vzťahov? Ponovujú sa periódy z histórie ľudstva keď podobné spoločenské toky boli a príčinou úpaku celých civilizácií? Bude mať ľudstvo silu postaví teroru LGBT lobby, ktorá má podporu svetového policajta – administratívu USA. Bude Rusko spôsobné a ubráni dedičstvo kresťanstva a odložíprichádzajúcu apokalypsu?
Tasuleasa Social prezinta: "Un film fain"• Va rugam sa urmariti in HD si sa porniti subtitrarea!
• Please watch in HD and turn subtitles ON!
Un film fain. Despre Tasuleasa in 2012. Despre impaduririle din aprilie, ecologizarea Pesterii Tausoarelor, animatia lui Paul Muresan, Padurea Pedagogica, concertul Ada Milea & Bobo, piesa Absolut jucata de Marcel Iures la noi in curte, impaduririle din octombrie (la care au cantat, in aer liber, Maria Raducanu si Robin and the Backstabbers), drumetii, voluntari si voluntariat. Cu: Ada Milea, Marcel Iures, Cosmin Bumbut, Ion Barbu, Bobo Burlaceanu, Attila Bartis, si multi altii. De Andrei Dascalescu.
Andrei Dascalescu:
Vizionare placuta!
Minimalism: A Documentary | About the FilmThe Minimalists present MINIMALISM: A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE IMPORTANT THINGS, a film by Matt D'Avella, in Association with Catalyst, Asymmetrical, and SPYR Media. Coming 2016.
This film examines the many flavors of minimalism by taking us inside the lives of minimalists from all walks of life. From minimalist architects, designers, and musicians, to businessmen, authors, and minimalist families, this film explores various recipes for how to live a more meaningful, deliberate life. Not a perfect life, not even an easy life, but a simple one.
Trailer music by And the Giraffe:
Super Size Me / Scene From FilmFilmmaker Morgan Spurlock makes himself a test subject in this documentary about the commercial food industry.
NIEZWYKŁE MIEJSCA NA ZIEMI - seria Imax, cały filmReżyseria: Chuck Davis
Opis: Zabierzemy Cię w najpiękniejsze miejsca na Ziemi. Odwiedzisz Amazonię - najbardziej skomplikowany system rzeczny świata, Grenlandię - największą wyspę na naszej planecie, pokrytą lodem i śniegiem, wodospad Iguazu - składający się z 275 oddzielnych wodospadów, wyspę Madagaskar - ojczyznę najbogatszych osobliwości przyrody i ponad dziesięciu tysięcy gatunków roślin i zwierząt, pustynię Namib - królestwo ciszy i największe na świecie ruchome wydmy, deltę rzeki Okawango - uroczy świat lagun i kanałów o powierzchni piętnastu tysięcy kilometrów oraz Tybet - dach świata, z którego początek biorą najpotężniejsze rzeki świata.
Silent Film Documentary - Silence is GoldenA short documentary telling the story of cinemas origins from the pioneers of the first films till the first full talkie "The Jazz Singer".
Side By Side (Official U.S. Trailer)Digital technology has created a groundbreaking evolution in cinema, challenging film as the standard format for motion pictures. In the new documentary Side By Side, Keanu Reeves takes us on a tour of the past and future of the moviemaking process.
BLOW UP (1966) - FILM LOCATION DOCUMENTARYThis is a film location documentary of the movie BLOW UP (1966). The movie was filmed in London and was one of the most influencial movies of the 60ties. The film location documentary is filmed and arranged by Daniel Ammeter. It was made in November 2011.
If you like the film location documentary, please write a comment, press the "like it" button sub and send it to your friends!
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Her: Love In The Modern AgeHer: Love In The Modern Age, chronicling reactions to Spike Jonze's Oscar-nominated film, Her. The documentary, directed by Lance Bangs, features stories and reflections from writers, musicians, actors and contemporary culture experts, including Olivia Wilde, James Murphy and Bret Easton Ellis, on the film Her, and their thoughts on love in the modern age.
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Arizona - Cały FilmFilm dokumentalny produkcji polskiej z 1997 roku w reżyserii Ewy Borzęckiej i z jej scenariuszem.
12 O'CLOCK BOYS : Baltimore's Infamous Dirtbike Gang [Documentary Film]In Theaters & on VOD & Digital January 31st, 2014
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The 12 O'CLOCK BOYS are a notorious urban dirt bike pack in Baltimore -- popping wheelies and weaving at excessive speeds through traffic, the group impressively evades the hamstrung police. In Lotfy Nathan's wild, dynamic documentary (three years in the making), their stunning antics are envisioned through the eyes of young adolescent Pug - a bright kid from the Westside obsessed with the riders and willing to do anything to join their ranks. Premiering to critical acclaim at the SXSW and Hot Docs Film Festivals (where Nathan won the HBO Emerging Artist Award), 12 O'CLOCK BOYS provides a compelling and intimate personal story of a young boy and his dangerous, thrilling dream.
12 O'CLOCK BOYS Documentary Film Trailer
Directed by Lotfy Nathan
Release Date : In Theaters & on VOD & Digital January 31st, 2014
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Lost Forever: The Art of Film PreservationThis documentary short takes you inside the fascinating world of film preservation and restoration. From Gravitas Docufilms. Featuring George Willeman, Liz Stanley, Jan-Christopher Horak, Patrick Loughney, Leonard Maltin, Hugh Munro Neely, Robin Blaetz, Allen Daviau, Anne Morra, Michael Gates, Robert A. Harris, Michael Pogorzelski, Rick Prelinger, Sean McKee, Mick LaSalle, John Ptak, Robert Rosen, Ross Lipman, Diana Little, James Schamus, Roger Mayer and Jan Yarbrough. Thanks to the Library of Congress, Academy Film Archive, UCLA Film and Television Archive, IVC/Point.360, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, and Visionary Arts & Scientific Technologies.
Film "Parcours" autour de Valérie Buffetaud, artiste peintre.Réalisé par Franck Moatti.
FLEX IS KINGS Trailer [Hip Hop Dance Documentary Film - 2014]In Brooklyn, every dance is a battle."An Eye Popper" "Must See"
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★★★ The MUST-SEE Movies ➨
An exploration of the individual dreams and realities framing the beautifully metaphorical and choreographically violent urban dance movement known as flexing.
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Film o djindjicuFilm o djindjicu
THE REAL BLOW UP SIXTIES FILM DOCUMENTARY PART1Great documentary on swinging London and the iconic film featuring Faithfull,Twiggy,Bailey,Sassoon,Barry Lategan,Terence Stamp,David Hemmings,David Puttnam,Tom Wolsey,Veruschka,Jill Kennington,George Melly,Terence Donovan,
The Jesus Film - Balti / Baltistani / Bhotia of Baltistan / Sbalti LanguageThe Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God).
According to the Gospel of Luke.
(Pakistan, India) Balti / Baltistani / Bhotia of Baltistan / Sbalti Language.
God Bless You All.
"Kyokushin" - film dokumentalny (reż. Wojciech M. Piegza)Zapraszamy na naszą stronę na facebooku.
muzyka, zdjęcia, montaż, scenariusz i reżyseria
Wojciech M. Piegza
Oficjalna ścieżka dźwiękowa z filmu
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone.
revolution days - film completo in italiano - documentario (360p)Revolution Days (film completo in italiano) un documentario prodotto da RegoLux Films, soundtrack by Cyber Bleach. Questo web-film è un'indagine attenta e di facile comprensione sulla Verità e la Consapevolezza, un escursus del viaggio iniziatico che offre diversi spunti di riflessione... Sciamanesimo, magia, esoterismo, ma anche psicologia, legge, scienza e medicina il tutto condito da riferimenti alla storia e all' antropologia. Prima tappa del viaggio sciamanico nel sapere moderno. Consigliato a tutti, questo film in italiano è rivolto e dedicato soprattutto a coloro che vogliono cambiare vita.
The Weight of Chains | Težina lanaca (2010)Like it? Please, buy it! :)
Also, 'like' the director's fan page :)
Boris Malagurski's award-winning Canadian film "The Weight of Chains", dealing with the breakup of Yugoslavia from a different angle - finally, exclusively, on YouTube!
Watch the film that has stirred controversy around the world, screened at cinemas across Australia, Canada and the US, as well as at film festivals in London (Raindance), Belgrade (Beldocs), Havana, Ann Arbor, Toronto, and many others.
If you thought you knew why Yugoslavia broke up, get ready for 2 hours of shocking facts that will shed a different light on Western intervention in the Balkans. Nicknamed the "Serbian Michael Moore" by the oldest daily newspaper in the Balkans, Malagurski will expose the root causes of the Yugoslav wars and explain that the goal was for the West to create economic and geopolitical colonies in that part of the world.
Who's in the film? Everyone from former "Economic Hitman" John Perkins, Retired Major General of the UN Army Lewis Mackenzie, Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky, Canadian journalist Scott Taylor, former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia James Bissett, humanitarian Vlade Divac and the list goes on!
This film was funded exclusively through donations, so please support the project by buying a DVD of the film through the film's website:
Also! Please donate towards the next film that Boris Malagurski is working on: The Weight of Chains 2, which will continue the story where the first film ends! Watch the trailer and donate now at:
Film Francais en entier nos amis les terrien
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Un film intéressant comment les extraterrestre nous verez.
AFRYKA SERENGETI - seria Imax, cały filmReżyseria: Casey George
Muzyka: Hans Zimmer - zdobywca Oscara
Afryka: Serengeti - niezwykły park narodowy to amerykański film dokumentalny z 1995 roku, którego reżyserem jest George Casey. Jest jeszcze na Ziemi takie miejsce, gdzie stada dzikich zwierząt swobodnie biegają, a azyl znajdują największe populacje różnych gatunków. Obszar sawanny stał się domem dla ponad miliona gnu, tysięcy roślinożernych oraz ogromnej ilości drapieżników. Dzięki filmowi Afryka: Serengeti - niezwykły park narodowy poznasz odwieczne prawo rządzące tymi terenami: roślinożerni żywią się roślinami, drapieżniki roślinożercami. Staniesz się świadkiem zjawiska ''wielkiej migracji'' sterowanej przez naturę: pory deszczowej i suszy. Poznasz obyczaje odważnych wojowników wschodniej Afryki - Masajów. Ta niezwykła podróż, oprawiona muzyką Hansa Zimmera, zdobywcy Oscara, dostarczy niezapomnianych wrażeń.
MISSION AFGHANISTAN | Documentary Film HDThere is fear and desperation in their empty eyes. They have no livelihood and no work; and their growing children receive no education. Their daughters do not have much hope of finding suitable matches; and they are not certain where the next meal would come from. Many women and children live in Gurdwaré, Sikh place of worship relying on free kitchen
And so, a young adventurous Afghan Sikh, Pritpal Singh, who had left Afghanistan 2 decades ago, set out from the UK to document the suffering of fellow Afghan Sikhs and Hindus communities in Afghanistan. The film "MISSION AFGHANISTAN" portrays the life and hardships of minorities in War-torn Afghanistan."
Those who could afford it, left the country. Those left behind have hardly any means of support. They have no present and no future.
These are Sikh women with children, widows and families left behind in a war-riven Afghanistan. Together with the Hindu community, their numbers are dwindling, as they live from day to day in many towns in Afghanistan. The situation of women is made worse because this is a conservative country where women are confined to walled enclosures and cannot go out to work.
Even Gurdwaré of great historical significance are in a state neglect and disrepair.
The country has been torn apart by war for decades and peace is not in sight when the Americans, British and other foreign (NATO- ISAF) troops leave. For minorities like the Sikhs and Hindus, the situation is quite hopeless. As a Sikh lady points out in the documentary, they cannot just depend on short term handouts by generous Sikhs from abroad.
The need is for sustained support projects which set up schools and also provide work for the poorer Sikhs in Afghanistan. Much can be done by the more prosperous business Afghan Sikhs who are doing well in Sikh diaspora countries like the UK, Germany, India, UAE & US.
Funded by Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar, Southall (UK), Pritpal had only a very limited budget. The main advantage of this low budget but professionally produced documentary was that, with one local cameraman, and dressed as an Afghan fluent in Farsi & Hindko, Pritpal was able to merge and mix with communities, and keep a low profile in a highly dangerous environment. Travelling on mined countryside roads, strewn with destroyed army vehicles, he was able to film remote places and intermingle with communities in a war zone. This is a country where tourists make attractive targets for hostage-taking by terrorists, and filming crews have to travel with convoys.
Pritpal returned from this dangerous mission with, in his words, "The treasure of well over 1500 photographs and films of key historical Gurdwaré, Mandir & Mosques of Afghanistan - something which has never been done in past!"
He travelled to Kabul, Jalalabad, Sorkhrod, Agha Sarai, Charikar, Salang and Ghazni.
Truly, his mission to bring out the truth about the desperate condition of his fellow Sikhs in a country where their forefathers lived for thousands of years, is a remarkable achievement. He loves his country of birth and is concerned that "if they migrate to other countries, our history and our historical sites will vanish".
It is a highly informative journalistic documentary. In Hindko, English, Farsi, Panjabi & Pashto with English subtitles.
Written by Gurmukh Singh - Ret'd Principal, UK Civil Service
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Read Farsi blog: نگاهی بر فیلم مستندی «ماموریت افغانستا
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Twitter: @TheDutchSikh1
AFGHANISTAN THROUGH MY LENS - Watch photographs Sikh and Hindu temples and people in Afghanistan
"Reely and Truly" - A Film By Tyrone LebonWe’re thrilled to present 'Reely and Truly', a 30-minute film directed by Tyrone Lebon, and commissioned by Grolsch Film Works in association with Somesuch and DoBeDo.
Horizon 1985 How To Film The ImpossibleClassic behind the scenes show that was for me a gamechanger. The glimpse into how ILM worked its magic was just enough to fire both my imagination AND the craftsman inside me. It led to a career in movies...
TRANSCEND: A New Film Starring The Boston Marathon ChampionOfficial Facebook Page:
Official Website:
This feature length documentary follows the dramatic journey of 2012 Boston Marathon Champion, Wesley Korir, and brings the audience into the world of distance running: a sport of endurance and belief.
After winning the 2012 Boston marathon, Wesley sets out with his coach to improve on his 2nd place finish at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon and to shatter the course record. Weeks before the race, however, Wesley feels a calling to move into Kenyan politics.
After a disappointing performance at the Chicago Marathon, Wesley decides to spend the money he earned as a professional runner and run as an independent candidate in the 2013 Kenyan elections, in the hope of winning a seat as a Member of Parliament: a feat that had never been accomplished.
The corruption and difficulty of campaigning as an independent in Kenya leaves Wesley with very little time to train for the 2013 Boston Marathon. Training runs would be forfeited because of late night campaigning and while his competitors would be training 120-150 miles a week, Wesley would be fortunate to run 50 miles a week.
After an exhausting election campaign, Wesley returns to the 2013 Boston Marathon to show his country and the rest of the world that in the midst of hardship, despite physical limitations, when coupled with a relentless belief and a slightly delusional mindset, the human spirt has the potential to transcend all adversity.
Wesley's story in the film is intermingled with several segments of elite distance runners who face their own obstacles and who must put their belief in something, in order to get through their adversity.
Commentary throughout the film from famous runners, authors, physiologists, theologians, therapists and coaches will leave the viewer questioning what it is that really propels the greatest distance runners in the world to the finish line.
Directed and Produced by Michael Del Monte and Tad Munnings
Time Zero: The Last Year of Polaroid FilmIn 2008, with digital photography on the rise, the Polaroid Corporation ceased production of all Polaroid instant film, the item that had made the company a household name. There begins the story of the international grassroots campaign to save the beloved, threatened format. TIME ZERO beautifully relates the history of this iconic American product, while capturing the passion of instant film fans around the world and the lengths to which they are going to save it from oblivion.
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You can purchase CLOSURE on
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Expect more like this to be uploaded to the Official Volvo Ocean Race YouTube Channel in the future. Get all the latest updates on
Forbidden Archeology: SUPPRESSED New Evidence of Early Man - HD FEATURE FILMFrom the EMMY AWARD WINNING Producers of "The Mystery of the Sphinx" and the Producers of "The Mysterious Origins of Man" comes a new ground breaking film about "New Evidence of Early Man: SUPPRESSED." What happens when scientific evidence conflicts with theory? In the early sixties, discoveries were made in Central Mexico, which were the handiwork of early man. Exquisitely carved animal bones and advanced spear points caused much excitement, including a Life Magazine article, until the dates came in. 5 mutually exclusive geological tests revealed they were over 250,000 years old. In spite of the geochronology, archaeologists insisted the dates were too ridiculously old. This world-class archaeological region became off-limits for official research, a "professional forbidden zone."
This is the story of the shocking events that occurred, told first-hand by many of the actual participants. It reveals how one field of science can conflict with another and how new discoveries must battle evidence vs. belief, exposing what some have called "the dark side of archaeology."
New Evidence of Early Man: SUPPRESSED - Coming to DVD from UFOTV®. For More Information Go to
Flying Saucers Are Real - FEATURE FILMThis feature film documents solid physical evidence of UFO landings, photos and videotaped evidence of UFOs from around the world and reveals the shocking story of the government's 'Cosmic Watergate', a massive effort to keep UFO information from the Public.
NOW ON A 2-DVD Special Edition: Nuclear Physicist Stanton T. Friedman's - Flying Saucers Are Real 2-DVD Special Edition - 168 mins. Cat# U435, Go to
Stanton T. Friedman presents the details of a massive investigation led by Friedman and others, utilizing the U.S. Government Court System and the "Freedom of Information Act," to gain access to government and military documents which by law should now be available to the public. Staggering in it's implications, see for yourself the explosive results of this investigation.
FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY: Secret Discoveries of Early Man - FEATURE FILMIt's Indiana Jones meets The X-Files in this intriguing program that tackles the age-old question "Where did we come from?" Fascinating viewing! Highly recommended! - Michael Rogers, "Library Journal"
The creators of the Emmy Award Winning Mystery of the Sphinx present a revolutionary new film that examines one of our greatest mysteries: Man's origins. Hosted by Charlton Heston, this film challenges what we are being taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization. A new breed of scientific investigators present startling evidence that the academic community has quietly ignored.
Includes the facts about this amazing mystery and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists, and the best known, most credible authorities in the world today.
NOW on DVD in a New 3-DVD Special Edition -- LOADED with Bonus Features and Interviews - Cat# U664 - Go to
The Making of "El Mariachi" - The Robert Rodriguez Ten Minute Film SchoolA behind the scenes look at the making of the Robert Rodriguez ultra low budget film "El Mariachi". Rodriguez explains the tricks filmmakers can use when working with extremely limited budgets.
FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY: The Lost Caves of Giza - FEATURE FILMFrom UFOTV®, accept no imitations. Beneath the pyramids of Egypt lies a lost underworld of catacombs, hewn chambers and cave tunnels that have remained unexplored for hundreds of years. They are alluded to in ancient texts and Arab legends, but have been left unexplored until today. They have now been rediscovered and investigated for the first time. What exactly does this subterranean realm tell us about the pyramids, their relationship to the stars and the mythical origins of Egyptian civilization? Discover for yourself as we explore the "Lost Caves of Giza."
Coming to DVD from UFOTV and LOADED with Bonus Features. 83 mins. Cat# U1106. Visit us online at
The German Touch - Documentary on German Expressionist FilmA piece of assessment on the motivations, techniques and legacy of German Expressionist Cinema for my studies in Film, Television and New Media.
All visual footage shown are collated pieces of other sources and are NOT in ownership of me.
North Korean Film Madness (Documentary | Part 3/3)We went to North Korea to try and penetrate the Korean Feature Film Studio, the state-run film production facility west of Pyongyang: a sprawling lot that at its height produced around 40 films a year.
Watch the rest here!
You could say that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il has two primary obsessions: maintaining nuclear weapons capability as a means of protecting his "hermit kingdom," and thwarting pressure from outside forces like America and the rest of the industrialized world to open his country to modern things like electricity... and he's obsessed with film. He loves movies. It's rumored that he has one of the largest private film collections in the world. His favorite film is Gone with the Wind and his favorite actress is Elizabeth Taylor. He's a film collector and bona fide cinephile, but he's much more. He's everything really. He's a director, a producer, a financier, a costume maker, set designer, screenwriter, cameraman, sound engineer... and he's also a film theorist. His masterwork on aesthetics and practice is "On the Art of Cinema" (written and published in the early 1970s). In it he gives himself the humble title, "Genius of the Cinema." He built an extensive film studio in Pyongyang and when he couldn't find someone to make his film he did what any self-respecting eternal leader and great president would do... he kidnapped one.
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Originally aired in 2011 on
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JESUS Film Hindi- प्रभु यीशु का अनुग्रह पवित्र लोगों के साथ रहे। आमीन॥ (Revelation 22:21)The Film based on Luke's Gospel: JESUS Virgin Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. FEAR NOT! CALL JESUS! (Romans 10:13) 13 क्योंकि जो कोई प्रभु का नाम लेगा, वह उद्धार पाएगा। Amen! According to this Scripture: you Call you are Save! Amen! Amen!
Now Bible is your GPS - Read it; Do it; Live into it..(Matthew 24:13) 13 परन्तु जो अन्त तक धीरज धरे रहेगा, उसी का उद्धार होगा।
(Habakkuk 2:14) 14. क्योंकि पृथ्वी यहोवा की महिमा के ज्ञान से ऐसी भर जाएगी जैसे समुद्र जल से भर जाता है॥
(John 10:1) Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
(John 10:2) But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
(John 10:3) To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
(John 10:4) And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
(John 10:5) Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.
(John 10:6) Jesus spoke this parable, but they did not understand the things which He spoke to them.
(John 10:7) Then Jesus said to them again, Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
(John 10:8) All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.
(John 10:9) I am the door. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
(John 10:10) The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
(John 10:11) I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
(John 10:12) But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them.
(John 10:13) The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep.
(John 10:14) I am the Good Shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.
(John 10:15) As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.
(John 10:16) And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must lead, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one Shepherd.
(John 10:17) Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again.
(John 10:18) No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it again. This precept I have received from My Father.
(John 10:19) Therefore there was a division again among the Jews because of these words.
(John 10:20) And many of them said, He has a demon and is mad. Why do you listen to Him?
(John 10:21) Others said, These are not the words of one who has a demon. A demon is not able to open the eyes of the blind.
(John 10:22) Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter.
(John 10:23) And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon's porch.
(John 10:24) Then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him, How long do You keep us in doubt? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.
(John 10:25) Jesus answered them, I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness concerning Me.
(John 10:26) But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you.
(John 10:27) My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
(John 10:28) And I give them eternal life, and they shall never ever perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.
(John 10:29) My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one has the power to snatch them out of My Father's hand.
(John 10:30) I and the Father are One.
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MAGNET documentary film by Namik KabilMAGNET dokumentarni film Namika Kabila
Bosna i Hercegovina, 2011, kolor, HD, 44ʼ
Svaki zadnji vikend u julu hiljade ljudi se okupi u selu Čevljanovići, trideset kilometara od Sarajeva. Gledaju borbe bikova, plešu i jedu dok ne popadaju. Šta je misteriozna energija koja privlači sve ove ljude, svake godine, svaki put na isto mjesto?
Scenarij i režija: Namik Kabil
DOP i montaža: Timur Makarević
Producent: Adnan Beširović
MAGNET documentary film by Namik Kabil
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011, color, HD, 44ʼ
Every last weekend of July thousands people gather in village Cevljanovici, thirty kilometers from Sarajevo. They watch bloodless bullfights; they dance and eat until they literally collapse. What is a rather mysterious magnetic force that pulls all these people together, always at the same time of the year, always at the same place?
Written and Directed by: Namik Kabil
DOP and Editing: Timur Makarević
Producer: Adnan Beširović
Documentary (25min)
The impact of Previsualization on production and aesthetic of the films.
Discover what's Behind the HOLLYWOOD blockbusters !
This film has been produced by the National Film School Louis Lumière (2011-Paris)
Educationnal Purpose only.
Archiculture: a documentary film that explores the architectural studio (full 25 min film)Archiculture takes a thoughtful, yet critical look at the architectural studio. The 25-minute film offers a unique glimpse into the world of studio-based, design education through the eyes of a group of students finishing their final design projects. Interviews with leading professionals, historians and educators help create crucial dialog around the key issues faced by this unique teaching methodology and the built environment these future architects will create.
Including Interviews with:
Shigeru Ban - Shigeru Ban Architects
Matthew Berman - Workshop APD
Phil Bernstein - VP Autodesk
Joe Brown - CIO AECOM
David Byrne - Musician/Artist
Annie Choi - Author/Critic
Maurice Cox - Professor/NEA
Ken Frampton - Historian/Professor
Terry Heinlein - TGH Architect
Ted Landsmark - President BAC
Thom Mayne - Morphosis
Mary Woods - Historian/Professor
Co-Producer/Director - David Krantz & Ian Harris
Editor - Jesse Garrison
Sound Editor and Re-Recording Mixer - Yoni Slotwiner
Composer - Glenn Forsythe
Colorist - Frederick Trevino
Titles and Graphics - Matthew Posorske
Story Development - Eric Krantz
Assistant Editors - Bill Scurry, Randy Astle, Eric Joseph, Aaron Lim, Marco Monti & Justin Strawhand
Production/Editing Assistants - Pierce Cook, Emily Wettstein & Emily Ahn Levy
Production Assistant - Michael Selwa
Pre-Production Assistant - Lisa Zigenis
Grant Writer/Editor - Jacob Richardson
Marketing - Sam Danner
Outreach - Emily Goligoski & Barbie Steffen
Public Relations - Whitney Sterling & Julie Fallin
Website Consultant - Doug Havens
Legal Services - George M. Rush
Executive Producer - AECOM
Fiscal Sponsor - Independent Film Project (IFP)
"Living With Dementia" A Short Film / Documentary by Joe YatesA short film / documentary directed by Joe Yates, following the tragic story of a father who is suffering from Dementia, and how it affects people around him. This short was purposely made for the Adobe Youth Voices Competition 2013, and was shown to an audience at the London BFI on the Southbank.
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ARTESANOS - Ein Film über das Leben (OmU)Unterstütze NuoViso:
Artesanos sind Menschen, die ihr Leben lang dienen. Doch sie verschreiben sich keiner irdischen macht, sondern ihrem inneren Selbst. In der Kunst findet ihre göttliche Inspiration Ausdruck. Der Dokumentarfilm begleitet Menschen, die schon frühzeitig ihre eigenen Meister wurden und ihr Wissen weitergeben. Wie Vivian und Xavier, zwei Indigokinder, die sich über das Internet gefunden haben, weil sie sich schon immer tief miteinander verbunden fühlten. Oder Memo, der sein Leben der Errichtung von Holztempeln und Musikstudios verschrieben hat.
Die Artesanos eint, dass sie für ihr Schaffenswerk keine Ehrung oder Ruhm erwarten. Ihre Kunstwerke schaffen sie für das Universum - ohne Signatur.