Gay Pride in 70s (A Very Natural Thing)meaning of gay pride, meaning of being gay
1ère gay pride à New York en 1970 | Archive INAAbonnez-vous
29 juin 1970
Dès 1970, les gays de New York décident de commémorer le premier anniversaire de la révolte du Stonewall. À l'initiative du Gay Liberation Front dirigé par Craig RODWELL, le 28 juin 1970, 2000 gays remontent la 6ème avenue entre Waverly Place (Greenwich Village) et Central Park. La manifestation porte alors le nom de « Christopher Street Liberation Parade » et son slogan officiel est « Come Out ! ».
Images d'archive INA
Institut National de l'Audiovisuel #INA #Société
GAY PRIDE 1971 CENTRAL PARK PRT 3.A group of gay hippie "revolutionaries" took off their clothes - to the consternation of a few but with approval of many- during the second Gay Pride March in Central Park in 1971. Randy Wicker interviewed a variety of those attending, including the nudists who said they weren't unnatural but all the people gathering around to gawk at them were. A poll of onlookers brought forth some humorous remarks but overall the crowd seemed approving.
Hilo's first Gay Pride Parade & Festival, pioneer Pat Rocco reflects