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  • Dr. Chad Mirkin: Next Generation Vaccines with Spherical Nucleic Acids (SNAs)
    Dr. Chad Mirkin: Next Generation Vaccines with Spherical Nucleic Acids (SNAs) Speaking at Pittcon, Dr. Chad Mirkin, Director of International Institute for Nanotechnology talks to News-Medical Life Science about the use of spherical nucleic acids (SNAs) in vaccinations and treatments for disease, and what they show about the importance of structure in pharmaceutical development.
  • John Rogers: Electronic Second Skin in Healthcare
    John Rogers: Electronic Second Skin in Healthcare Speaking at Pittcon, Professor John A. Rogers (Northwestern University) shares his thoughts on using nano-fabrication techniques to measure sweat in athletes.

    Roger’s research focuses on topics regarding nano-fabrication, techniques for unusual electronic and photonic devices, and bio-integrated and bio-inspired systems.
  • John Rogers: Analysis of Sweat in Performance and Health Management
    John Rogers: Analysis of Sweat in Performance and Health Management Speaking at Pittcon, Professor John A. Rogers (Northwestern University) shares his thoughts on using nano-fabrication techniques to measure sweat in athletes.

    Roger’s research focuses on topics regarding nano-fabrication, techniques for unusual electronic and photonic devices, and bio-integrated and bio-inspired systems.