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  • Lucas, Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne | Depoimento Tratamento com células-tronco
    Lucas, Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne | Depoimento Tratamento com células-tronco Depois de ouvir sobre os resultados do tratamento de dois outros pacientes do Brasil com Distrofia Muscular, Rodrigo decidiu tentar o tratamento com células-tronco. Após chegar ao hospital Better Being, seu filho Lucas já estava vendo melhorias na força e no equilíbrio. É apenas o início de uma esperançosa jornada.

  • Wang Yisheng - Muscular Dystrophy Adult Stem Cell Patient
    Wang Yisheng - Muscular Dystrophy Adult Stem Cell Patient Wang Yisheng received adult stem cells at Bethune International Peace Hospital in Shijiazhuang toward the treatment of his muscular dystrophy. Donated umbilical cord stem cells were expanded by Beike Biotech. Treatment was provided by the medical staff of Bethune following protocols developed by Beike.<br />
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    Treatment for muscular dystrophy included IV transplants alongside direct injection of umbilical cord blood stem cells. For more information about adult stem cell therapies available in China please contact StemCellsChina.<br />
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  • Russ Kleve - FSHD Muscular Dystophy
    Russ Kleve - FSHD Muscular Dystophy Russ Kleve traveled to Hangzhou China to receive umbilical cord blood stem cells for the treatment of the facioscapulohumeral form of muscular dystrophy. Russ' FSHD is genetic. He is not the only person in his family who has suffered from the disease.<br />
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    You can follow Russ' blog over at http://russkleve.blogspot.com/.<br />
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    Find out more about adult stem cell therapies avialable in China today by visiting www.StemCellsChina.com.
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