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  • "Let's Talk Turkey" - The Ethics of Thanksgiving
    "Let's Talk Turkey" - The Ethics of Thanksgiving A fine buffet of legal and ethical dilemmas traditionally served with the Thanksgiving feast

    - The Dynamics of Dispute: How to engage in Lively Discussion without Beating the Stuffing out of One Another
    - Rethinking the Bird? The Ethical Treatment of Animals
    - Fake it Till You Make it: How to Show Appreciation Even When You Don't Feel Appreciative


    Rabbi Mordechai Becher

    Rabbi Becher is a senior lecturer of the Gateways Organization and Instructor at Yeshiva University. He received his ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and holds an MA in Medieval Jewish History from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University, where he is currently pursuing doctoral studies. He taught at various institutions in Jerusalem, served in the IDF, has answered thousands of questions on AsktheRabbi.org and presents a Talmud class on the Jewish Broadcasting Service. Author of the highly acclaimed book Gateway to Judaism, Rabbi Becher is a sought after lecturer in the US, Canada, England, Israel, South Africa, Australia and Russia, and has conducted Jewish educational tours in Africa, Australia, China, Europe and Israel.
    "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" Mishaps and accidents while watching, borrowing or renting other people's property. The law and ethics of bailment; Who's responsible? US and Talmudic law compared.


    Rabbi Alexander Coleman
  • Goldilocks on Trial
    Goldilocks on Trial
  • The Abortion Debate.mp4
    The Abortion Debate.mp4
  • What is a Human Being Worth
    What is a Human Being Worth
  • Too Hot to Handle - Global Warming, Enviromental Ethics and the Talmud.mp4
    Too Hot to Handle - Global Warming, Enviromental Ethics and the Talmud.mp4
  • The Enigma of Antisemitism
    The Enigma of Antisemitism This webinar is dedicated to the memories of Sol and Goldie Ostroff
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