Should Christians keep the Sabbath or Sunday?Was the Sabbath abolished or done away with? Was the Sabbath changed to Sunday? Is the Sabbath any day we choose? Is Jesus our Sabbath now? Is the Sabbath only for the Jews?
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Sanford Sabbath TestimonyThe audio was recorded nearly 4 years ago on my radio program "Pressing In with Bill Sanford" on Hebrew Roots Radio (T2N). It is a testimony of how we came into the Hebrew Roots movement and how we started keeping Sabbath. If you enter into Sabbath correctly, Father's spirit will guide you as to how to keep that day in a way that will honor Him and bless you and your family. This will bless you. Please also visit me on FB and become my friend at You may also visit my friend Truett's web site who has posted more of my Torah Thoughts to video at
Sabbath the 1st Covenant by Bill SanfordA covenant is an agreement. When Father makes a covenant, HE is agreeing to do something special. The Sabbath Covenant made at creation on the 7th day was an agreement Father made with His creation of His image "man", to rest together with mankind for as long as there is a universe and the measurement of time, which separates the 7th day from the other 6 days. The purpose of a covenant agreement by Yahuwah is to set apart, consecrate, and make holy the object of His covenant purpose. Father created the Sabbath covenant as a seal on His creation, so that the glory of His creation would never be forgotten, but honored and remembered for all eternity. It is a special time in which the God-head and the host of heaven will rest and be intimate with mankind, and His bride. This time is sacred to Father, and what is sacred to Father needs to be sacred to the bride. All those who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it, will receive Father's mark on them, and be set apart and numbered, and know that it is HE that makes us set apart. If we truly love Father, we will desire to honor what He honors...His Torah commandments.
Bill Sanford
The moment Jim Staley won the Sabbath DebateThis is an excerpt at about an hour and 28 minutes into the full debate. More is said, but this is the moment I believe Staley won the debate.
Comments have been disabled for this video. After the first week of this video being up some people started coming on with condescending and insulting remarks - ironically being "Christians" - so for the sake of anyone being tempted to act "un-christ-like" just because they don't like the video, I have removed to ability to do so.
The Sabbath DayWe've all been told that the Sabbath is now on Sunday. But how many of us have truly tested that? Have we truly examined the basis of this belief? Or have we just blindly accepted what we have been taught over the years based on the interpretations of man's views of the scriptures that have been passed down through the generations?
Top 10 Scriptural reasons to keep the SabbathIt is popular among Christians to say that the Sabbath has been done away with, or that we no longer need to keep the Sabbath. Some even say that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday. However, none of these claims can be supported by Scripture. There is not a single verse in the entire Bible that tells us the Sabbath was ever changed or removed, and not one verse ever tells us to stop keeping the Sabbath. Yet, there are well over one hundred verses in the Bible that tell us to keep the Sabbath. What does the Bible say about the Sabbath, and should we still be keeping it today? Here are my Top 10 biblical reasons to keep the Sabbath.
I hope you enjoyed this top 10, and if you are not currently keeping the Sabbath, I pray this video has challenged you to consider doing so.
When Does the Day Begin?This is a constant topic that comes up often. When does a day begin? When is the shabbat?
Taking Shabbat SeriouslyYou will not experience the blessings in life of keeping Shabbat if you don't keep Shabbat. And there are those who can end up taking things a bit too far. The rules for this FEAST day are simple. Don't Work, Don't Make Anyone Else Work. REST.
Time: The Creators Calendar Series - The Timing of the SabbathThere is no little dispute about when the Sabbath Day occurs. One of the largest questions is whether or not Saturday is really the correct 7th day and the day that Messiah kept when he was alive. Join us as we look to see if the day of Saturn (Saturday) is on the Sabbath or if the Sabbath Day was moved to be on Saturn’s Day.