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  • Katelynn Perrault: 2D Gas Chromatography in Forensic Science
    Katelynn Perrault: 2D Gas Chromatography in Forensic Science Speaking at Pittcon, Katelynn Perrault, PhD, (University of Honolulu) discusses the challenges of odor detection in forensic science and the benefits of 2D gas chromatography over conventional 1D gas chromatography.

    In the search and recovery of human remains during mass disasters, homicides, and missing persons investigations, the odor evolved from decomposing bodies is crucial in the search process. One contributor to the odor evolved from remains are microorganisms, which contribute a portion of the chemicals released into the air. New technology is being used to profile the odor from postmortem microbes to improve techniques that rely on the detection of decomposition odor.
  • Raman Spectroscopy in Forensic Science: Igor Lednev
    Raman Spectroscopy in Forensic Science: Igor Lednev Pittcon presenter, Professor Igor Lednev, (University of Albany), discusses the different techniques used in the detection of bodily fluids in forensic science as well as the benefits of raman spectroscopy within this field.