Food As Medicine (recorded June 2017 )There are a lot of questions in today’s world about what to eat, how to eat and why. The in-depth course will connect the dots and address some fundamental questions behind how our diet impacts our health and well-being and how it contributes to the progression of chronic disease.
This version of the "Food as Medicine" class was offered monthly from 2015 - 2018 by Dr. Anne. In 2019 we split it into four parts, each one hour long. Find out more:
Food as Medicine (Part 4)This in-depth course will connect all of the classes in the series and address some fundamental questions behind how our diet impacts our health and well-being and how it contributes to the progression of chronic disease.
Parts 1 - 3 available on our "Food as Medicine" playlist.
Food as Medicine (Part 3): Vitamins and Nutrients in FoodMost people have heard the term “superfood.” This is a food that has great nutritional value. What makes these foods so great? What types of nutrients are in these foods and what do those nutrients do for our bodies? In addition, there are foods like sugar that, in addition to making us gain fat and dysregulating our blood sugar, actually rob the body of these essential nutrients. In this class, we will discuss the best foods to eat for the maximum nutritional value.
Food as Medicine (Part 2) - Food Additives to AvoidHave you ever looked at the ingredients list on a packaged food and not recognized half of them? Are all of those ingredients harmful? As food has become more of a science, new ingredients are invented and used every year. In addition, herbicides and pesticides are being sprayed on our food at an ever-increasing rate. This class will delve into the additives that the food industry has developed in an effort to market and sell more processed food to us.
This class is part 2 of 4.
View a copy of Dr. Anne's slides:
Food as Medicine (Part 1) - Food 101: Nutrition basicsDr. Anne Zauderer will explore the basics of diet and nutrition from a functional medicine perspective. This is an essential piece to understand how your body uses a variety of foods, differently. Some of the topics we will look at are: the differences between a fat, carbohydrate, and protein and how each fit into our dietary needs; why we need fiber (from plants) in our diet; what exactly is metabolism and what can we do to support it; and much more!
This class is 1 of 4.
Let Food Be Thy MedicineIn collaboration with the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Nutrition, the Berry Good Food Foundation convenes a panel of experts to discuss the rise of comprehensive medicine and nutritional healing to treat chronic disease and maintain general well-being. [6/2018] [Show ID: 33486]
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Meal Planning Making it ManageableThis webinar presented by Angie Murad, Patient Educator and Registered Dietitian from the Cancer Education Center. She will discuss strategies on how to plan and prepare a healthy meal. This task can seem overwhelming, especially if you are struggling with fatigue due to cancer treatment. Find ways to make meal planning and preparation more efficient with techniques and tools that get food on the table with less effort.
Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenvilleNOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice and consult a medical professional before adopting an intermittent fasting regiment. This talk only represents the speaker’s views on fasting, diet, and health. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here:
Two-thirds of women 40-59 years old are overweight and more than 1/2 are obese. Intermittent fasting can help women lose weight effectively. And can have profound impact on bio-physical profiles, but also improved self esteem and interpersonal relationships. It is easy to implement, it is inexpensive and flexible.
Cynthia is a Western medicine trained nurse practitioner and functional nutritionist who is passionate about female hormonal health. She believes that the inherent power of food and nutrition can be your greatest asset to your health and wellness journey. She works 1:1 with female clients and is the creator of Wholistic Blueprint a 6-week signature program for female hormonal health, she's also the co-host of Everyday Wellness podcast and a recurring segment contributor on her local ABC affiliate in Washington, DC. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Why Intermittent Fasting Is The Only Diet You Need? - Dr. Oz: The Best Of Season 12FInd out how to live a healthier life with Sharecare!
Why Intermittent Fasting Is The Only Diet You Need? - Dr. Oz: The Best Of Season 12
The Dr. Oz Show is an American daytime television talk series. Each episode has segments on health, wellness and medical information, including true crime stories and celebrity interviews.
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How to Be on the Keto Diet the Healthy WayFInd out how to live a healthier life with Sharecare!
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Don't Miss the New Youtube Channel " The Dish on Oz" for the best recipes of the Dr Oz Show!
Wellness physician Dr. Josh Axe explains the difference between the regular keto and dirty keto diets. Then, Dr. Oz addresses concerns about some of the unhealthy foods that can be consumed on the dirty keto diet.
A Sample Ketogenic Diet Meal PlanFInd out how to live a healthier life with Sharecare!
For more health and well-being content, make sure to subscribe to Sharecare’s YouTube channel.
- Don't Miss the New Youtube Channel " The Dish on Oz" for the best recipes of the Dr Oz Show!
Trainer Drew Manning shows Dr. Oz and guest Kendy what he typically eats when he follows a ketogenic diet. Then, Dr. Oz weighs in with his concerns about this high-fat, low-carb diet.
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How to Create a Healthy PlateA healthy plate is an easy way to control portion sizes. Fill half your plate with nonstarchy vegetables, one quarter with lean protein, and one with whole grains for a healthy eating plan.
7千元到 RAW 體驗皇室待遇!江振誠帶你吃法國千年料理史!浮誇薯泥瀑布、「建築工法」酥皮肉派、5百克魚子醬直接上桌?|RAW【Liz 美食家】繼前季充滿未來感的「Re:define future」菜單,四度蟬聯米其林二星的 RAW ,推出夏季菜單「GRANDE CLASSIQUE」,以12道菜餚回歸法式傳統,更找來多位在台法國料理職人,帶領饕客回溯11世紀至20世紀的法國飲食風華。先前,我們介紹的「龍蒿奶油茴香古法膀胱雞」即出自本次菜單,江振誠主廚還會拿出哪些絕活,展現於菜色之中?
國際名廚江振誠在宜蘭開小餐館?!宜蘭頭城絕美新亮點|輕鬆自在又細緻的雙主廚地中海餐廳 CÔTE À CÔTE宜蘭頭城《CÔTE À CÔTE》新亮點,老街巴洛克風格洋樓地中海餐廳,由江振誠、陳昶福 Fudy 雙主廚共同經營,2022/5/28 新開幕。CÔTE À CÔTE 英譯是 Side by Side 代表兩位主廚並肩聯手,也意味著產地、漁港到餐桌零距離。
《CÔTE À CÔTE》食材約七成為海鮮食材,三成是宜蘭、台東肉類食材,主廚每日由距離廿分鐘車程的宜蘭大溪漁港載運剛下漁船的海鮮,蔬菜是陳昶福 Fudy 自營的農場栽種,只用無毒的自然農法栽植,完全實現「從產地到餐桌」理念。餐廳內部設計是由 Fudy 的太太 Hanna 親自設計,從一盞水晶燈到一張椅子、一塊磁磚背後故事 Hanna 與 Fudy 都可以娓娓道來。影片拍攝時是《CÔTE À CÔTE》開幕第一天,這天有一些傢俱因疫情而延遲送達了,因此影片中呈現的還不是餐廳最佳樣貌「等你下次來餐廳就變得更美了」。
已居住在宜蘭四年,對宜蘭頗有觀察見解的江振誠主廚說,在《CÔTE À CÔTE》雙廚想要聯手呈現的菜色內涵是「宜蘭的態度」。「宜蘭人有自己鮮明的風格,輕鬆自然,但是不像台東帶一點野,宜蘭是 "Chill with Sophistication" 輕鬆自在且用心細緻」江振誠如此表達雙廚想透過料理呈現的「宜蘭態度」。
陳昶福 Fudy 主廚長年幾乎每日往返宜蘭大溪漁港與台北,為餐廳採購剛下漁船的新鮮魚獲,他認為《CÔTE À CÔTE》的地理位置就是最適合實踐「從產地到餐桌」餐廳的場域,Fudy 主廚的料理以直火為主,看似簡單、不複雜,嚐起來卻很有深度且滋味飽滿。例如爐烤紅喉魚,端上來就是一條烤得漂亮、攤開來的烤魚,外觀似乎看不出特別之處,一嚐之下發現肉質柔而緊實,魚肉的鮮味非常飽滿,彷彿「濃縮」過的滋味讓人一口接一口,吃了就停不下來,原來紅喉魚經過「一夜干」處理,再進 Pizza 窯爐烤得外酥內柔軟,看似簡單實則用心、細緻,果然是「宜蘭的態度」啊!
被問到如何與江振誠主廚共事?兩人在廚房如何分工?江振誠與陳昶福兩人的答案頗一致,他們「不分工」而是「共同創作」,每一道菜都會一起討論、一起品嚐試吃與調整。「在廚房你們會意見不合吵架嗎?」我好奇地問,江振誠篤定地搖搖頭,說《CÔTE À CÔTE》的料理菜色就是「沒有刻意」,「自然而然」、「該怎麼樣子就怎麼樣」,返璞歸真,回歸產地呈現自然滋味是雙廚的共同理念。
對我來說,《CÔTE À CÔTE》是一間夢幻級別的餐廳,座落在離海不遠的地方,夢幻般純白色獨棟洋房,美麗的樓梯、浪漫滿點的景觀露台,食材是從漁船與自家農場直送,廚房裡的 Key men 是由兩位我欽佩的大廚組成夢幻卡司,環境好、餐廳美、氣氛放鬆舒適、食材菜色都棒,很開心宜蘭有這麼好的餐廳,《CÔTE À CÔTE》值得讓你專程去趟宜蘭。
【Mentor x Mentee計畫】最偉大的廚房 第一集:請到冰箱裡哭【製作人/李雪莉 企劃採訪/張涵青 攝影剪輯/陳佳鍵】
終止世代對立,開啟世代共享,為了共創我們的時代。天下雜誌發起Mentor x Mentee計畫(名師高徒計畫),邀請世界名廚江振誠貢獻三天的時間,傳授年輕人成功的祕訣。經過網路海選,靠著『態度』,廚師部落客陳昱任脫穎而出,獲得前往新加坡,跟世界名廚貼身學習的機會。我們也貼身記錄名師與高徒的三天互動,帶您一窺江振誠的成功絕學。
Zan! Taiwan - Food 60secWhat makes foreigners want to shout "Bravo!" when they experience Taiwan? This year the Taiwan Tourism Bureau has produced short promotional videos centered on six different themes, using a quasi-documentary method to present the actual experiences of foreign travelers in Taiwan. The films express how the island affects foreign tourists so much that their only response is, "Zan!" (Barvo!)
Cuisine Asia: The Soul of TaiwanI joined Maker Studios & so can you!
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Taiwanese culture and its cuisine is a fine crossbreed of the ways of its many settlers. Their food is a bevy of hometown dishes brought to the country from different Chinese provinces, as well as meals prepared in the precise, artful style of the Japanese. Food there is nothing else but the contribution of a people to the place that they call home -- the contribution of a people to the culture they call their own.
An original CCI Asia Group Production
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
Taste Taiwan: A culinary tourSelected to participate in this tour after being nominated during the Taiwan Tourism Bureau's "Taste Taiwan" Chef Nomination in October 2013, the three winning chefs include: Selected to participate in this tour after being nominated during the Taiwan Tourism Bureau's "Taste Taiwan" Chef Nomination in October 2013, the three winning chefs are Chef/Partner Michael Ferraro of Delicatessen in New York, Chef Bryant Wigger of Trattoria Neapolis in Los Angeles, and Executive Chef Thomas Heinrich of Mosaic Bar and Grille at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver, Canada.
While in Taiwan, the chefs visited the country's finest restaurants, experienced its fresh produce markets and street foods, and partook in numerous adventures along the way. Upon their return, each of the chefs created a dish inspired by their trip to Taiwan. Chef Michael of Delicatessen in New York created seafood sausage with Hakka green tea pesto. Chef Bryant of Trattoria Neapolis in Los Angeles created five-spice roasted pork belly with fried baby shrimp and polenta. Chef Thomas of Mosaic Bar and Grille at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver created a full 4-course Taiwanese Tasting Menu featuring Hakka tea crusted line-caught lingcod. All of the dishes are available at the chefs' respective restaurants until mid-February 2014.
"Taste Taiwan" is set to air throughout the United States on the Discovery Channel on Saturday, February 15th at 8AM EST/PST. Viewers worldwide will also be able to watch the show at the same time on YouTube.
Want to check out more:
かつおのさばき方1/2(Skipjack tuna)水洗いから三枚おろしまでを収めてあります。
"Katsuo Bonito" that can be caught in spring is valued highly in Japan.
かつおのさばき方2/2(Skipjack tuna)柵取りから盛り付けまでを収めてあります。
It is said, "Return bonito", and "Bonito" that can be caught in autumn as gets on
by the resin, and is as delicious as tuna's "Toro".
Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure Episode 1China - the superpower the world fears, but few really know. Ken Hom, the godfather of Chinese cuisine, and Ching-He Huang, leading chef of the contemporary generation, together undertake an epic 3000-mile culinary adventure across China - not only to reveal its food, but its people, history, culture and soul.
They begin in Beijing, the imperial capital for 800 years. It is a city where tradition and innovation sit side by side, and where quintessential Chinese dishes - noodles, dumplings and Peking duck - are being showcased with a new culinary confidence. As well as cooking for world-class chefs in the fiery kitchens of the city's most celebrated restaurants, Ken and Ching visit the homes of ordinary Beijingers to learn traditional cooking methods. And in a break-away from the city, they travel to the forgotten village of Chuandixia, where ancient traditions are being celebrated and preserved.
Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure Episode 2China - the superpower the world fears, but few really know. Ken Hom, the godfather of Chinese cuisine, and Ching-He Huang, leading chef of the contemporary generation, together undertake an epic 3000-mile culinary adventure across China - not only to reveal its food, but its people, history, culture and soul.
Ken and Ching explore the effects of sweeping modernisation in China's fastest growing city, Chengdu. It is the capital of Sichuan province, where the locals cling on to their identity through food. Here, in one of the culinary capitals of the country, they explore the complex and almost addictive spices that set Sichuan food apart and make it the most memorable of all Chinese cuisines. And in a desire to get under the skin of the city, they explore the back streets in search of the most authentic dishes and traditional snacks. They also visit homes and restaurants to banish the gloomy Sichuan climate with some hot and fiery cooking.
Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure Episode 3China - the superpower the world fears, but few really know. Ken Hom, the godfather of Chinese cuisine, and Ching-He Huang, leading chef of the contemporary generation, together undertake an epic 3000-mile culinary adventure across China - not only to reveal its food, but its people, history, culture and soul.
Ken and Ching leave the heaving megacities far behind to embark on an intrepid journey across China's vast western frontier where few travellers dare to venture. From the tropical jungles of Yunnan to the deeply divided Muslim city of Kashgar in China's wild west, their journey takes them deep into the culture and cuisines of the country's ethnic minority groups who make up almost 10 percent of the population. This is a China known to few, where communites and their traditions are surviving in the grip of a burgeoning superpower.
Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure Episode 4China - the superpower the world fears, but few really know. Ken Hom, the godfather of Chinese cuisine, and Ching-He Huang, leading chef of the contemporary generation, together undertake an epic 3000-mile culinary adventure across China - not only to reveal its food, but its people, history, culture and soul.
In the final leg of their culinary adventure across China, Ken and Ching make an emotional return to their ancestral homes, the climax of their entire journey, before reuniting for their final meal in Hong Kong.
They start first in the dim sum capital Guangzhou to explore the birthplace of Cantonese cuisine, the food most familiar to the west, before heading their separate ways. Ching travels across the south China sea to Taiwan where her food journey began at her grandmother's knee, while Ken cooks for relatives he hasn't seen for more than 23 years.