Heart Failure (Part 1) - Types & Etiologies (Nursing)This video is part 1 of a multi-part series on heart failure, designed for nursing students or as a refresher to nurses. The video is designed to be basic.
The creator has made every effort to ensure that the material described in the video is accurate but cannot guarantee 100% accuracy, especially due to ever-evolving research and an increased evidence base.
To use this video for a class, teaching or other purpose, please email me at jblakeman@mail.millikin.edu (because I like to know how the video is being used and enjoy knowing when it is helping others learn). While the video may be used for educational purposes, it may not be used for financial gain. Thanks for watching!
Congestive Heart Failure Medical AnimationMedical animation created by KO Studios for Scios to show how B-type natriuretic peptide serve as beneficial counter-regulatory hormones protecting against heart failure by working to control the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and the sympathetic nervous system, which can cause vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, and sodium and fluid retention.