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  • Juliet, Spinocerebellar Ataxia | Stem Cell Treatment Testimonial
    Juliet, Spinocerebellar Ataxia | Stem Cell Treatment Testimonial Ataxia left Juliet Govender feeling stuck in time. Through stem cell treatment she feels that she has been given a new lease on life. Inquire here: http://goo.gl/HRJDU4

  • Jeff Crowe - Ataxia Stem Cell Patient
    Jeff Crowe - Ataxia Stem Cell Patient Jeff Crowe has Ataxia, an hereditary genetic disorder affecting his nervous system. He came to China to receive adult stem cell therapy in the hopes of improving his condition and to push the hands on the clock back a bit. <br />
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    People with Ataxia are often mistaken for being very drunk. Their speech can be slurred. They can appear clumsy and uncoordinated. They suffer double-vision, dizziness and difficulties with depth perception. <br />
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    Jeff refused to accept the news that there was nothing that could be done about it. After receiving treatments of adult stem cells from donated umbilical cord blood his balance and walking abilities improved amongst other things. <br />
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    Adult stem cell therapy is not a cure for Ataxia. After symptoms began to progress again he returned for a second round of transplants. This video was shot during that time.
  • Jeff Blank - Ataxia Stem Cell Patient
    Jeff Blank - Ataxia Stem Cell Patient Jeff Blank returned to China for his second round of stem cell transplants toward the treatment of his Spinal Cerebellar Ataxia 6 (SCA6). This time Jeff traveled to Hangzhou Xiaoshan Hospital and spent a month there receiving several injections and intensive physical therapy. <br />
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    Ataxia is often a hereditary condition. Jeff discusses the choices he has made to leave the US to seek out medical treatments unavailable within its borders.
  • Reuben - Non-Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia Stem Cell Patient
    Reuben - Non-Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia Stem Cell Patient Reuben is six years old and suffers from a non-hereditary form of Cerebellar Ataxia. He has difficulty with basic motion. He is very unstable. This is all very challenging for a six year old to deal with.<br />
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    Reuben's family brought him to China to receive transplants of umbilical cord blood stem cells. In this video his mother discusses their decision to come for treatment and the experience they had living in the Chinese hospital for a month. <br />
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    Reuben regularly attended physical therapy prior to coming to China. So his parents were very surprised when his ability to stand and even walk improved remarkably. Check out the video to learn more. <br />
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    You can find Reuben's full patient experience at StemCellsChina using http://tinyurl.com/2fqkgjq.
  • Martin - Ataxia Stem Cell Patient
    Martin - Ataxia Stem Cell Patient Martin "Marty" Bentler has been living with some degree of Ataxia for the past 20 years. Sick and progressively getting worse, he found no interest in his doctors to improve his quality of life. They called when they had a new test. He just wanted to walk without dragging his feet so much.<br />
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    Marty was one of the first international patients to receive stem cell transplants at the new St Michael's center in Shanghai. Check out his Patient Experience at StemCellsChina for more information.<br />
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    http://www.stemcellschina.com/index.php/en/patient-experiences/ataxia/1305-martin-bentler-ataxia<br />
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    In French<br />
    http://vimeo.com/30060689<br />
    In Russian<br />
  • Brian in China - Ataxia Stem Cell Patient
    Brian in China - Ataxia Stem Cell Patient Brian traveled to China over the summer of 2008 to receive a second round of adult stem cell therapy for the treatment of symptoms associated with Ataxia. A muscle wasting neurological disorder, Brian's SCA1 saw marked improvement a second time around. <br />
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    Adult stem cells are not a cure - but may offer quality-of-life improvements to patients with few or no alternatives. Hospitals in China now treat a wide range of spinal cord injuries, neurodegenerative conditions and are rapidly tackling cardiovascular conditions as well. <br />
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    While we have hope that adult stem cell therapies will be available in many other countries in the near future, many conditions are currently treated through providers in China. Follow patients and read experiences at www.StemCellsChina.com.
  • StemCellsChina Vault: Audrey Jones
    StemCellsChina Vault: Audrey Jones From the StemCellsChina Vault comes a subtitled compilation of clips from Audrey Jones. Audrey was one of the first international patients to be treated at Qingdao's Chengyang People's Hospital. <br />
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    Audrey suffers from idiopathic ataxia and received umbilical cord blood stem cells to treat symptoms brought on by the disease.<br />
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    Check out her patient experience at http://www.stemcellschina.com/index.php/en/ataxia-ms-jones.
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