Visio2013 - Registering and doing first Web Site MapRegistering Visio2013 using your Product Key, and doing your first Web Site Map.
Website Wireframes, part1, IntroIn this lesson you will learn about different option for creating wireframes for websites. Wireframing is an important part of the process of web development, an often get overlooked by clients and developer/designers. Hopefully at the end, you will want to go out and create some wireframes yourself. Presented by Jonathan Ross, Digital Media instructor.
Website Wireframes, part2, PencilIn this lesson you will learn about using the free Pencil wireframing tool. It is an excellent choice for website and mobile application wireframing. Presented by Jonathan Ross, Digital Media instructor.
Website Wireframes, part3, PrototyperIn this lesson you will learn about using's free Prototyper tool. It is an excellent choice for website and mobile application wireframing, with a robust set of widgets for Android, iOs and websites. Presented by Jonathan Ross, Digital Media instructor.
Site Map Part 2 - Conceptual Site Map and WireframesVisi2013 Web Site Map Part 2. Also touches on Conceptual Site Maps and Wireframes
How to Create a Sitemap in Microsoft Visio 2007Instructional video on how to create a basic sitemap with Microsoft Visio.
Back to Basics — Wireframing & PlanningPlanning your projects at the very beginning can be a fun yet daunting task. Showing clients early concepts, prototypes, wireframes and ideas at early stages can help you land the contract, or perhaps see concerns or new features for your own project that wasn't apparent before. Michael McArthur and Paul Crimi, both of whom are Product Designers at BNotions, are going to walk us through their processes of how they begin a project, what resources they use, and what goes on in their minds as they get everything off the ground.
Recommended Books:
- Don't Make Me Think
- The Lean Startup
- Envisioning Information
- The Essentials of Interaction Design
- Sketching User Experiences
- Designing Gestural Interfaces
- Designing Social Interactions
- The Design of Everyday Things
- The Laws of Simplicity
- Design Patterns
- Designing For Interaction
- Mobile First
- Lean UX
The What, Why & How of WireframingIn this video, I explain what wireframing is, why you should create them before you start designing and how to start with wireframing. I take you through the 4 steps of wireframing by showing you a real world example... Week 1 of my 12 in 12 Challenge, how to build a Reddit type application.
You can pickup the wireframe kit I use in this video at:
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What is a Wireframe?Kiersten Bonifant, Web Designer at Evolve Creative Group, explains what a wireframe is and why it's important to make one before designing a website. She'll review three main benefits of wireframing as well as some best practices to consider. By the end of this video you'll know what a wireframe is, what it looks like and why you should create one before designing a website. If you have any questions or feedback please leave a comment below.
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Building Mobile Enterprise ApplicationsJoin Thomas Mattsson and Matti Tahvonen from Vaadin on how to create enterprise grade Vaadin TouchKit applications that work on all major smartphones (iOS, Android, Windows Phone). How do you create it?
Vaadin TouchKit Showcase WebinarSee how PUMA is empowering product management with tablets using Vaadin TouchKit. Learn practical tips and tricks on how to take your mobile solution to the next level with Vaadin.
Ask anything during the webinar on YouTube comments or by tweeting with the #vaadin hashtag. We'll try our best to answer all your questions.
Tutorial: How to design Android UI/GUIs in Android StudioI have many more Android, Java and XML videos on my channel, please subscribe for more! This is just a relaxed tutorial on designing GUIs in Android Studio. Im an Android freelancer see my portfolio here
Android - MySQL - 01 - Set Up Database & PHP Script.This video teach you how to Install MySQL database, Apache Web Server and PHP using a WampServer setup file. Also teach you how to write the php scripts for the Android MySQL database connectivity.
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Android - MySQL - 02 - Add data into MySQL DatabaseThis video tutorial teach you how to put informations into MySQL database from an android application.
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Android MySQL - 03 - Retrieve information from DatabaseThis video demonstrate how to retrieve information from MySQL database into your android application.
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How to Connect Android with PHP, MySQL - Android Studio 2015How to Connect Android with PHP, MySQL - Android Studio 2015
Download the lib at
To connect Android with MySQL Database, you cannot do it directly. You need a Web service as a medium. In this case, we can use PHP because in PHP you can have a single of code that easily converts database data into the JSON format. You can convert it to XML as well, but many prefers JSON due to its size and performance.
Android recently changed its IDE from Eclipse-based Android Development Toolkit (ADT) to IntelliJ IDEA-based Android Studio. The big reason for that is Gradle. Gradle is a modern open source build automation system. It works better in many ways than Ant, which is used by Eclipse-based Android IDE. The change also affects some old APIs to deprecate.
In this tutorial “How to Connect Android with PHP, MySQL”, l uses the new IDE, Android Studio along with the new APIs. Moreover, I created my own library that simplified the way of how to connect Android with PHP and MySQL. Before this, you had to have a private class extends AsyncTask class all the time in order to connect to the Web. The AsyncTask class works as background thread. Since Android 3.0 API 11 (Honeycombs), you are allowed to use the main thread to do a long process, such as connecting to Web. I named the lib as GenAsync.jar (Generic AsyncTask) and you can download it at My lib hides all the complexity and all you have to do to instantiate the PostResponseAsyncTask class and pass a POST data as a second argument of the constructor. You call the execute() method and provide the URL that you want to pass the data to. Finally, you can receive the data by processFinish() method. This course guides how to create a database and a table in MySQL and create PHP pages.
Recommended to Read this post to understand more about my library:
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The photo ( used in my video cover is copyright (c) by Kārlis Dambrāns ( made it available under Creative Commons (
Google I/O 2008 - Dalvik Virtual Machine InternalsDalvik VM Internals
Dan Bornstein (Google)
Dalvik — the virtual machine with the unusual name — runs your code on Android. Join us to learn about the motivation for its design and get some details about how it works. You'll also walk away with a few tips for how to write code that works well with the platform. Be prepared for a deep dive into technical details. Questions encouraged!
Google I/O 2014 - KeynoteThis morning we welcomed 6,000 developers to our 7th annual Google I/O developer conference. The crowd in San Francisco was joined by millions more watching on the livestream and 597 I/O Extended events, in 90+ countries on six continents.
We're meeting at an exciting time for Google, and for our developer community. There are now one billion of you around the world who use an Android device. One billion. We estimate that's more than 20 billion text messages sent every day. 1.5 trillion steps taken with an Android. And more importantly, a roughly estimated 93M selfies.
Today, developers got a preview of our most ambitious Android release yet. With more than 5,000 new APIs (for non-techies, that stands for application programming interfaces) and a new, consistent design approach called material design, we're continuing to evolve the Android platform so developers can bring to life even more beautiful, engaging mobile experiences.
But, beyond the mobile phone, many of us are increasingly surrounded by a range of screens throughout the day--at home, at work, in the car, or even on our wrist. So, we got to thinking: how do we invest more in our two popular, open platforms—Android and Chrome—to make it easier for you to easily and intuitively move from your phone, tablet, laptop to your TV, car or even your watch?
For more information visit
Watch all Google I/O 2014 videos at:
Google I/O 2015 - A little badass. Beautiful. Tech and human. Work and love. ATAP.Speaker(s):
.mudge (aka Peiter) Zatko; Ivan Poupyrev; Rachid El Guerrab; Regina Dugan
Optimized for speed. Because we are, well, impatient. And someone should be. The engines on Project Ara are revved. We're on the road to Puerto Rico. Creating the hardware equivalent of the software app ecosystem sometimes feels a little Dakar Rally, sometimes a little Le Mans. Fast. Difficult. Worth it. Speaking of fast… We'll debut our newest Spotlight Story ‘Fast-and-Furious’ style. Justin Lin’s live action short goes live at I/O. In full 360 with 3D soundsphere. Whaaaat? Exactly. And wearables that we hope will blow your socks off. (We mean this more literally than you might think…) Our goal: break the tension between the ever-shrinking screen sizes necessary to make electronics wearable and our ability to have rich interactions with them. Why can’t you have both? We like to build new things. Sometimes seemingly impossible things. We can build them faster together.
Watch all Google I/O 2015 videos at:
Android Development for BeginnersAll the Links are Here :
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The time has come to cover Android Development for Beginners. After reading hundreds of comments it has become clear that well over 80% of the apps everyone wants to make can be made using a tool called App Inventor. Over the next few videos I will cover everything you can make with App Inventor.
I'll cover how to install App Inventor and then use it to make an app that uses GPS, Opens Dialog Boxes, Opens other apps, vibrates devices, plays sounds, converts text to speech, uses the accelerometer, adapts to screen orientation and more.
Android Development for Beginners 2Get pictures of the App Inventor Blocks here :
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In this part of my Android development tutorial for beginners I will focus on the App Inventor Blocks Editor. I did my best to cover as much as possible in this one video. I also have pictures of the blocks in the link above to help everyone easily copy from them.
I cover Location Sensor, global variables, changing label text, working with strings, Sound, Buttons, Event Handling, Text to Speech, Vibration, Accelerometers, Orientation changes, Dialog boxes, executing activities, and so much more.
Android Development for Beginners 3Get the Blocks Here :
Best Android Book :
In the next 2 parts of my App Inventor video tutorial I will take a step back and cover a bunch of topics in general. I'll spend a lot of time showing how to use the App Inventor ActivityStarter. We'll see how to open other App Inventor apps, browsers, email, Google Maps, YouTube and more.
I'll also cover using lists, event handling, sliders, notifier, check boxes and much more. All the blocks I drew in the video follow below the video to help.
Android Development for Beginners 4The Blocks used are Here :
Best Android Book :
In this tutorial I'll finish up the app I made in the last part. I'll continue to cover event handling, sliders, and notifier. I'll also cover how to open other App Inventor apps, browsers, email, Google Maps, YouTube and more.
All the blocks I drew in the video follow below the video to help. Next time I will create an app that will show how to display audio, video, images and more locally and across the internet.
Android Development for Beginners 5Get the Blocks Here :
Best Android Book :
In this tutorial I thought it would be fun to make 2 apps. I make an app that grabs weather map data dynamically and displays it. I also make an app that shows how to use the camera, image picker and TinyDB with App Inventor.
I got the maps from the W Underground and All together I show how to display images from the internet, take pictures, retrieve images from the gallery, store pictures in TinyDB, resize your app to fit any device and more. The blocks used can be found under the video below.
Android Development for Beginners 6Get the Blocks Here :
Best Android Book :
In this tutorial I decided to make an Android Beat Box App. It could also be converted into a voice note app, or anything else that would benefit from being able to record and later play back sounds.
I'll specifically cover how to use the Android SoundRecorder, Player, take another look at using list, teach more about logic and incremental programming. The answer for the Reset Button homework is available in the link above.
Android Development for Beginners 7Get the Vector Art Here :
Inkscape Video Tutorial :
Best Android Book :
In this tutorial I'll show you most of what you need to know for drawing Android buttons for your interfaces. I'll be using a free program called Inkscape to draw 6 buttons. I did my best to cover all of the most common techniques you will need in this one tutorial.
How to Make Android AppsGet the Code Here :
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I will show you how to make Android apps. This is the beginning of a large tutorial series. I will do my best improve on the first tutorial by following all of the suggestions I have received.
Convert App Inventor to JavaGet the Assets and Code Here :
How to Install Eclipse :
App Inventor Video Tutorial :
Best Android Book :
If you have been following my App Inventor video tutorial I have been keeping a secret from you!!! You actually know how to make Java Android tutorials, but you didn't know it until now.
In the next 2 tutorials I will convert one of my most complicated App Inventor apps, being the Android Zombie App into a Java Android app. And, guess what? You'll understand it. All of the assets used can be found above along with all the code. Have Fun :)
How To Download & Install Android SDK/ADT Bundle For WindowsAndroid SDK download the Eclipse ADT bundle on Windows 7 PC. NEW LINK With Android developer tools you can connect your android device over/via USB and use the ADB tool (android debug bridge) in the platform-tools folder to debug on your device and send commands to your android devices and flash nexus factory images you must enable USB debugging in your android device system settings.NEW LINK
How To Enable Developer Options Android Nexus 5, 7-
How To Fastboot OEM Unlock & Lock Bootloader Android Nexus 7-
How To Install Google USB Driver Android ADB Debugging Windows PC-
Android Development Fundamentals: What I wish I knew when I startedIn this session from AppForum 2012, Marko Gargenta will get you up to speed on Android by giving you an overview of the platform in the context of an actual micro-blogging application (Yamba).
Some topics covered include:
Activities and Android UI
Intents, Action Bar, and More
Content Providers
Lists and Adapters
Broadcast Receivers
App Widgets
For more videos from AppForum 2012, head to
Android Application Development Tutorial - 1 - Download and Install the Java JDKVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 2 - Installing Eclipse and Setting up the ADTVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 3 - Installing Android SDK and Set up EmulatorVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 4 - Setting up an Android ProjectVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 5 - Overview of Project and Adding FoldersVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 6 - Introduction to Layouts in XMLVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 7 - Creating A Button in XML and Adding an IDVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 8 - Setting up Variables and Referencing XML idsVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 9 - Set up a Button with OnClickListenerVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 10 - Using setText method for our buttonVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 11 - Adding Resources and Setting BackgroundVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 12 - Setting up an Activity and Using SetContentViewVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 13 - Introduction to the Android ManifestVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 14 - The Framework of a ThreadVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 15 - How to Start a New Activity via IntentVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 16 - Activity Life CycleVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 17 - Adding Music with MediaPlayerVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 18 - Create a List Menu from the ListActivity classVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 19 - Setting up an ArrayAdapterVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 20 - Starting an Activity with a Class ObjectVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 21 - Finishing ListActivityVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 22 - XML Introducting the EditTextVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 23 - XML ToggleButton, WeightSum, and Layout WeightVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 24 - XML Padding and Setting Toggle to OnVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 25 - Quick Review by setting up a new ActivityVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 26 - If Toggle Button is checkedVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 27 - Set the Input Type of an EditTextVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 28 - Comparing Strings with else ifVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 29 - Set Gravity within JavaVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Android Application Development Tutorial - 30 - Setting Color of a TextView in JavaVisit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials!
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Harvard i-lab | Why You're Over-Thinking Your UI/UX with Rohan PuriIn this workshop we will take you through the steps in thinking about (and preempting) user interaction and user experience design. Then we will outline ways in which we can evaluate, test, and analyze interactions to pivot designs leanly. This session will be highly interactive and will use examples from real startups.
User Interface (UX) Techniques • Janne Jul JensenCheck out our upcoming conferences at
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Here's a description of Janne's talk from GOTO Aarhus 2012:
Most developers today are aware of the importance of creating a good user interface with a high level of usability, but many are lacking the methods and techniques that can help in this process. This session will present to the listeners a range of concrete methods and techniques applicable in different phases of a design process, to handle specific challenges. This will include design patterns, personas, wire framing, paper prototype testing, progressive disclosure, card sorting and creative workshops and many of the methods and techniques will be accompanied by examples.
Enterprise Mobile App UX: Designing from UI to BackendFrom MoDevUX 2013 Conference Hackathon
A special focus on User Experience and over $10,000 in prizes.
MoDevUX 2013 - Mobile UX is the most important aspect of your mobile strategy.
Mobile users are more demanding than ever and there's no silver bullet. But there are a lot of smart things you can be doing to stay one step ahead of the pack. Come to MoDevUX if you develop, design, market or manage mobile initiatives. Hear from industry thought leaders, peers and up and coming stars. Take a class on mobile UX design, testing, strategy, leanUX and more. Network with like minded individuals and perhaps meet your next partner in crime. Regardless of your objectives, MoDevUX13 has a spot for you.
Enterprise Applications are typically no more than a User Interface to a set of complex back-end systems. They allow Systems of Record to become Systems of Interaction by putting the records and the ability to interact with them in the palm of your hand. A good User Experience with such a Mobile App requires designing the entire end-to-end architecture with the User Interaction in mind.
What is your enterprise mobile apps' back-end? Is it a single 'black-box' serving up data via REST calls? Or is it a set of back-ends, communicating with your app's UI via multiple APIs. Does your back-end include services that require you to change your app's UI every time it gets updated? Does the nature of your back-end impact how you build your app, impact the UI design decisions you need to take? How do you test all your back-end(s) for functionality and performance? How do you integrate all these pieces together? How do you provide a good User Experience?
As you build complex mobile apps, the architecture of your complete end-to-end system -- Backend to UI - becomes critical to your application's success. This presentation will help attendees identify key architectural decisions that they need to take early in their mobile app development lifecycle to help address these challenges, reduce risk and cost and enhance the User Experience. It will do so by presenting examples of successful architectures of mobile apps and explore key decisions they took and why.
Sanjeev Sharma (IBM Rational Specialty Architect at IBM)
Sanjeev is a 20 year veteran of the software industry. For the past 18 years he has been a solution architect with Rational Software, an IBM brand. His current area of expertise includes Mobile Development, DevOps, Agile Transformation and Software Supply Chains. He is a DevOps and Mobile Development Evangelist at IBM. He speaks regularly at conferences and has written several papers. He blogs about at and tweets as @sd_architect
Photoshop/Illustrator Tutorial: Google Material Design (App Design)This cinema film (90 minutes long).. ehhr tutorial shows you how the latest design trend established by Google: Material Design. Iam going to show you the definition/documentation and how to design the assets needed to successfully use material design along the guidelines of Google.
You are going to learn how to create Icons within Photoshop and Illustrator, add the characteristic shadows from material design and much more such as typography, interface design and so on.
Hope you'll enjoy and I would appreciate if you would drop a like, comment and subscribe for more videos!
I would also REALLY appreciate some suggestions for new tutorials, until the next time,
Free downloads (also Google Material Design .psd):
My 5-hour uDemy course about flat design: