"Here, Now and Then" is an animated urban fairy tale told through the movement of its star dancers. A young suburban dreamer, a restless big city architect and a unknowingly mystical vixen from a forest playground clash together on NY city street and discover that they are intrinsically connected. "Here, Now and Then" uncovers the underlying electric energy that is always around us - if only we chose to see it.
and are unwillingly thrown into an entwined dark alley duet. As they fight to escape each other they are hit with the realization that they are intrinsically bound as figments of their former/future selves. The interaction between the dreamer, the artist and the mystic evolves to a comfortable recognition of full circle foresight; that all is in it's place. Each one returns to their respective environments with a new found presence and determination. Though the film ends with a positive outlook, the feel is more solemn and dark with a mystical tone.
Performers: Virgil Gadson
Jason Herbert
Emma Krauss
Director of Photography: Josh Mckie
Tipping the Scale TrailerChoreographed and Directed by Anji Crain
Diane Birch - All The Love You GotiTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/speak-little-louder-deluxe/id694923423
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00EK3EEVO
Music video by Diane Birch performing All The Love You Got. (C) 2013 S-Curve Records
"Get Ya Hood Up Girl"Documentary (2007) - Female Hip Hop Dancers in New York contemplate femininity, sexuality and body image.
Directed by Anji Crain
Featuring - Jennifer Weber
Tweet Boogie
Ephrat Asherie
Red Hot and Arthur Russel
Cinephilia- FirstGlance Film Fest TrailerCheck out the award winning short, Cinephila at FirstGlance Film Fest Philadelphia 16 Sept 20-22 at The Franklin Institute.'Cinephilia' is a series of boy-meets-girl shorts that explores the romanticism of classical cinema (i.e. 1890s - 1960s).
The Poet Meets The ArtistTen-Q Magazine (1Q) presents insight + inspiration in our new interview with Indian artist, entrepreneur + innovator Raghava KK and poet James Navé. For more go to: http://1Qinspire.me/post/105745138507/the-artistic-instigator.
Created by Mia Dahlmer of 1Q
Production/Direction/Edit by Angela Crain/A+ Productions
Shot by Bowie Alexander
Motion Graphics/Edit by Mark Feggins
Music by A.M. Breakups (song is called Dames)
P.S. For more insightful + inspirational interviews with cool global change agents, go to http://1Qinspire.me.
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation - Take Steps Spotlight
Student ReelPerformed by Video Dance Students at Socapa School of Creative and Performing Arts: New York, Vermont, Los Angeles
Concepts, Choreography and Styling by Anji Crain
School of Cinema and Performing Arts - Rock This
SOCAPA Dance: "IKO" (VT 2015 Hip-Hop)www.socapa.org
Choreography: Angela Crain
kit kat
SMOKING MIRRORS PromoSMOKING MIRRORS is the first in a series of “Performance Design” events that incorporate urban dance, design and multi media arts created collaboratively with designers and choreographers. This event will include a stand-alone art installation turned multi-sensory dance performance environment and DJ dance party. Performances will take place in various areas of the curated interactive environment, through which the audience will move to experience tactile sensations, sights and sounds. <br />
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SMOKING MIRRORS is an interactive journey into the fragmentation of the self through the various stages of reflection and representation. By exploring and expanding the architecture of the body in motion we create fantastical, whimsical, and distorted environments where the lines between object and human, viewer and viewed, performance and experience are often blurred. Quite simply we create "bodies by design" and "design by bodies". With elements such as mirrors, projections, deconstructed mannequins, and a memory foam wall, expect a bizarre and amusing collage in the likes of Tim Burton, M.C. Escher, and Grace Jones.