City Manager Puts Lights Out on Read File
The Little Old Lady and the other $700,000 write-off
Will The Read File Really Crash all our City Computers?
Dunlawton Ave. Mess
Council On Fluoride
Ted On Fluoride
Michael “Jake” Johansson Interview
Ford Pleads with Fellow Councilmen to Stop Procrastinating
Did The Mayor Just Say "I Don't Need To Respond To You"
STOP with the Secret Meetings !
Show Me The Money !
Watch As Council Votes [4:1] To Abrogate It's Own Authority
Port Orange Disappearing Time Clocks
The Foxes are watching the Hen House; but Who is watching the Foxes
Only Bob Ford voted against the increases
People are refusing to answer
Bob Ford Fed-up with the hordes of consultants working for City
Ford Demanding Voters Rights to Decide on Beach Driving
Delayed Reporting & Towing Overcharging
Mike Gardner Beach Driving & Lake Filters
Jim Donahue
Mike Gardner about Golf Course Finance's
Ted Noftall about Soft Cost for Golf Course Renovations
Ted Noftall about Ongoing Investigations
Bob Ford Concerned with Slow Pace with Flooding Issues
Ted Noftall Concerns about Finance Department
Mike Gardner Concerns about Ongoing Back Room Dealings
Ted Noftall about Conflicting Reports
Ted Noftall about Citizens Should have Input with Proposed Budget
City Attorney needs new Attorney Help at $1,000 per Day
Bob Ford not Happy with Work Output from Law Dept.
Cory Berman Objects
Bob Ford about City apperance
Mike Gardner about City Contracts
Ted about City Contracts
John Chaney about Edging on Dunlawton
Don Burnette about Dunlawton Ave Lawns
Ted on Sanitary Conditions at Golf Club
Convoluted City Owned Liquor License setup
Unsanitary conditions at the city owned restaurant. …”
Sonya Laney on Ethics 101