Introduction to Valuation class (Short)
Session 1: Class Logistics and Valuation Themes
Session 2: The Bermuda Triangle of Valuation and Valuation Approaches
Session 3: Introduction (wrap up) and First Steps on Intrinsic Value
Session 4: DCF Big Picture and Risk free Rates
Session 5: Riskfree Rates Closure and Equity Risk Premiums
Session 6: Implied Equity Risk Premiums
Session 7: Betas and beyond!
Session 8: Cost of Debt and from discount rates to cash flows
Session 9: Earnings to Cash Flows
Session 10: Growth Rates - Historical, Analyst and Fundamental
Session 11: More on growth, terminal value and DCF model parts
Session 12: Cash, Cross holdings and Other Assets
Session 13: Last loose ends plus Stories & Numbers
Session 14: More on stories & numbers and first valuations!
Session 15: Valuing the market and young companies
Valuation Quiz 2 Review
Session 16: Valuing young companies - A Wrap
Session 17: More excursions on the dark side of valuation
Session 18: A wrap on intrinsic value
Session 19: Pricing Deconstructed - Consistency and Moneyball Tests
Session 20: Pricing Analytics and Examples
Session 21: Pricing Closure and Asset Based Valuation
Session 22: Valuing Private Businesses
Quiz 3: Review Session
Session 23: IPO Valuation and first steps on Real Options
Session 24: The Options to Delay & Expand
Session 25: Options to Abandon, Flexibility and Distressed Equity as an option
Valuation: Final Exam Review Session
Session 26: Acquirers' Anonymous: Seven Steps to Sobriety
Session 27: Value Enhancement
Session 28: The Grand Finale