36. Can a marriage be valid and sacramental for a couple that is infertile?
35. Why do Catholics cross themselves?
34. How are saints different than angels? Which are we commissioned to become?
33. What are the justifications for annulment?
32. Do Catholics believe that you are saved by works or by faith alone?
31. Do Catholics still do exorcisms?
30. What is the significance of incense in the Church?
29. Who created the Bible and how should we interpret it?
28. What is the point of prayer if God is all-knowing?
27. Why do Catholics have so many rituals?
26. Why do we always long for more?
25. Why is organized religion necessary?
24. How can you obtain an indulgence?
23. What is an indulgence?
22. Can you buy Indulgences to get to Heaven?
21. Was Mary a virgin her entire life?
20. Can you get to Heaven by just being a good person?
19. What is discipleship and how do we practice it daily?
18. Aren't relics a form of idolatry?
17. Does the Church support abortions in cases of ectopic pregnancies?
16. Can't I worship the Lord on my own instead of going to church?
15. Is the Church against death with dignity?
14. Why can't priests get married?
13. Isn't Natural Family Planning just Catholic birth control?
12. Is there proof of the existence of Purgatory in the Bible?
Ep. 11 - What is transubstantiation and when does it happen?
10. Why do Catholics baptize infants?
Ep. 9 - Is There Salvation Outside of Catholicism?
Ep. 4 - Why do Catholics confess their sins to a priest?
Ep. 5 - Why doesn't the Catholic Church allow same-sex marriage?
Ep. 3 - Why can't non-Catholics receive Communion?
Ep. 2 - Do Catholics worship Mary?
Ep. 6 - Is the Eucharist Really Jesus' Body?
Ep. 8 - Can God coexist with science?
Ep. 7 - Is the Catholic Church Old Fashioned?
Ep.1 - Is Religion the greatest source of violence and war?