The seasons of life (Tree) * Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2025)
The seasons of life (Woman) * Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2025)
"A modern civilization" * Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2024) (Monochrome)
"A modern civilization" * Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2024)
"A YEAR IN PHOTOGRAPHS" (2024) Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera
"A YEAR IN PHOTOGRAPHS" ¶ Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2024)
"We live as we dream"
"La naturaleza humana" * Art Film
"Close listening to nature" * Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2023)
"Un viaje en el tiempo" * Una película de Alejandro Mos Riera (2023)
"Mysteries of The Sun" * Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera
"Futuros recuerdos" * Alejandro Mos Riera (2022)
"Live Cinema" * Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2022)
The Americans by Robert Frank * Art Film (2022)
James Webb Space Telescope image of Cartwheel Galaxy
All nature is beautiful * Noir Art Film (2022)
All nature is beautiful * Art Film (2022)
"THE BIG LIE" ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2022)
First Image from the James Webb Space Telescope (SMACS 0723)
"El cine, una ventana al mundo" * Art Film
We all live once on Earth * Art Film (2022)
The Black Hole at The center of The Milky Way ¶ Science Exploration Film (2022)
The Oscars 2022 ¶ 94th Academy Awards
"Visual imagery" ¶ Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2022)
Inside The Museum ¶ Art Film (2022)
VAX THE WORLD ¶ Science Film (2022)
"Poesía, cada día" ¶ Alejandro Mos Riera
Dear Facebook, * Cyanotype Art Film (2021)
Dear Facebook, * Art Film (2021)
Las marinas de Gustave Le Gray ❦ Art Film (2021)
"Pensar el Universo"
"Map of the Universe" ¶ Science Film
Tiempos extraños ¶ Art Film (2021)
Spanish Revolution #15M ¶ Art Film (2021)
The cinema in my life ¶ Art Film (2021)
Everything you can imagine is real ¶ Art Film (2021)
"Women who changed the world" ¶ Art Film (2021)
"Viaje alrededor de una estrella" ¶ Noir Film (2021)
"Viaje alrededor de una estrella" ¶ Art Film (2021)
“Diario de una pandemia global” ~ Art Film, 16 mm
"Diario de una pandemia global" Art Film (2020)
La imaginación son los ojos que ven la realidad (Monocromo)
La imaginación son los ojos que ven la realidad
Paintings made of sound ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2020)
"Paintings made of sound" (Teaser trailer) ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2020)
Future is Now ¶ Art Film By Alejandro Mos Riera (2020)
Future is Now (Noir) ¶ Art Film By Alejandro Mos Riera (2020)
“The Age Of Space Exploration” ~ Science non-fiction Film - Super 8 mm (2020)
“The Age Of Space Exploration” ~ Science non-fiction Film - Super 8 mm Blue (2020)
“The Age Of Space Exploration” ~ Science non-fiction Film (2020)
Organ²/ASLSP (As SLow aS Possible) ~ John Cage ❦ Noir Art Film (2020)
Organ²/ASLSP (As SLow aS Possible) ~ John Cage * Art Film (2020)
Endless Summer ¶ Art Film (2020)
"There's a grain of sand for every star in the sky" ¶ Art Film
The imitation of Nature * Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2020)
The imitation of Nature * Painted Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2020)
De la caverna a las estrellas: Historia del Arte Universal
La magnitud de la pandemia ❦ Art Film
The World in the Times of Coronavirus ❧ Non fiction documentary film (Color), 2020
The World in the Times of Coronavirus ❧ Non fiction documentary film (Monochrome), 2020
“Diario de una pandemia global” ~ Photoroman
The abstract beauty * Painted Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2020)
Pure Cinema ¶ Art Film (2020)
Bright lights on Earth at night ❧ Art Film (2020)
One Earth: Home (2020)
“The Empty Museum” ~ Art Film (2020)
“España, en tiempos del Coronavirus” ¶ Foto-relato de no ficción (2020)
The World in the times of Coronavirus ~ Documentary Film (2020) Noir
The World in the times of Coronavirus ~ Documentary Film (2020)
"Moonlight Ballad" ❧ The Art of Martin Lewis ¶ Art Film (2020)
"Timeless Music" ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2020)
2 Weeks Coronavirus Quarantine Precautions Around The World
"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" Robert Wiene (1920)
"The Seasons" ❧ Art Film (2020) Monochrome
"The Seasons" ❧ Art Film (2020)
"The Doors Of Perception" ~ Art Film (2020)
“Earth: The planet of the living”~ Art Film ~ 2020 (Noir)
“Earth: The planet of the living” ~ Art Film (2020) Extended
“Earth: The planet of the living” ~ Art Film (2020)
Endless Cosmic Voyage ~ Science Exploration Film (2019)
Woodstock Music & Art Fair, 1969 ☮️ Art Film (2019)
"La linterna mágica" ~ Una historia visual del cine
Cities full of dreams: Paris, London New York, Los Angeles (Art Film)
Cities full of dreams: Paris, London New York, Los Angeles (Noir Film)
Cities full of dreams: Paris, London New York, Los Angeles (Painted Film)
The Amazon Rainforest is like the Lungs of the Whole Planet ¶ Noir Art Film (2019)
The Amazon Rainforest is like the Lungs of the Whole Planet ¶ Art Film (2019)
Gijón, la perla del mar Cantábrico
Footprints on the Moon ¶ The Moon & Mankind ☽ Science Exploration Film (July 2019) 2 h 31min
Footprints on the Moon ☽ The Moon & Mankind ¶ Science Exploration Film (July 2019)
Pink Moon ☽ by Nick Drake - 8mm ¶ Art Film By Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
Pink Moon ☽ by Nick Drake ¶ Art Film By Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
De la caverna a las estrellas: Historia universal del Grafitti y Street Art ¶ Art Film (2019)
Song of myself ¶ Walt Whitman ❧ Poetry Film
“The color of music” ¶ Art Film (2019)
El cielo de Madrid ~ Art Film (2019) Color
El cielo de Madrid ~ Art Film (2019) Noir
“Museums of the World” ¶ 1000 Paintings ~ Art Film (2019)
Notre-Dame, un cœur du monde (2019) Art Film
Notre-Dame, un cœur du monde (2019) Art Film (Noir)
Notre-Dame, un cœur du monde (2019) Art Film
Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos
The First Ever Image of Black Hole ¶ Science Exploration Film
Footprints on the Moon * The Moon & Mankind ¶ Science Exploration Film (2019)
Footprints on the Moon * The Moon & Mankind ¶ Science Exploration Film (2019)
La armonía de las estrellas ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
Dance to the song of life ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
"Dance of lights" ¶ Old Lost Film
Save planet Earth, our home in the Cosmos
The Book Of Nature ¶ Art Film By Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
The Book Of Nature -Part IX- ¶ Art film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
The Book Of Nature -Part VIII- ¶ Art film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
The Book Of Nature -Part VII- ¶ Art film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
“The Book Of Nature” - Part VI - ¶ Art film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
“The Book Of Nature” - Part V - ¶ Art film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
“The Book Of Nature” - Part IV - ¶ Art film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
“The Book Of Nature” - Part III - ¶ Art film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
"The Book Of Nature" - Part II - ¶ Art film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
"The Book Of Nature" - Part I - ¶ Art film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
"Free Society" ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2019)
365 Art Films in 365 Seconds ¶ The Power of The Image
"Vivir en democracia" ¶ 40 aniversario de la Constitución Española de 1978
Las invención de las ideas * Art Film (2018)
La invención de las ideas - Art Film - Noir (2018)
“Oumuamua” ¶ Science non fiction Film (Part 3)
"Oumuamua" ¶ Science non fiction Film (Part 2)
"Oumuamua" ¶ Science non fiction Film (Part 1)
Pale Pearl Of White Light ¶ Science Non Fiction Film (2018)
Pálida perla de luz blanca (2018)
Las ventanas de tus ojos ¶ Art Film (2018)
Woman ¶ Art Film (2018)
"Un bosque bajo las estrellas"
"Un bosque bajo las estrellas" (noir)
La naturaleza de los sueños
The Great Crisis ¶ Documentary (Non-Fiction) Film Noir
The Great Crisis ¶ Documentary (Non-Fiction) Film
Human Space Exploration: The Moon, Mars, and Beyond * Science Film (2018)
Footprints on the Moon ☽ The Moon & Mankind ¶ Science Exploration Film (2018)
Memorias del futuro ¶ Art Film (2018)
Memorias del futuro ¶ Art Film (Noir)
The Mith of the Cave ¶ Art Film (2018)
Musée du Louvre ¶ Le Grand Louvre ☞ Paris ❧ Art Film
Exploring the Moon, Discovering Earth ❧ Apollo 8 ¶ Science Film (2018)
Exploring the Moon, Discovering Earth ❧ Apollo 8 ¶ Science Film
Café de los Sueños (PhotoBook Trailer)
El esplendor de las estrellas en la noche infinita ¶ Art Film (2018)
“Small Giant World” ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2018) ¶ Noir
“Small Giant World” ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2018) ¶ Black & White Photo-Drawing
"Small Giant World" ¶ Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2018)
¿De dónde venimos? ¿Quiénes somos? ¿Adónde vamos?
The Evolution of The Universe: From Big Bang to Now
Mai 68, Révolution imaginaire? ¶ Art Film
Mai 68, Révolution imaginaire? ¶ Art Film (Noir)
Unknown Legends of Rock 'n' Roll ¶ Art Film
“Magic Bubble Pop” ❧ A fairytale ¶ Suite No.1
"Magic Bubble Pop" ❧ A fairytale
El Arte de Leer ¶ Book trailer
The Power of The Image ¶ A Thousand Pictures Are Worth More than a Million Words
"La Divina Comedia" de Dante Alighieri según Salvador Dalí ¶ Art Film (2018)
Cosmic Eye of Universe ¶ Science Non-Fiction Film
"Powers of Universe" ¶ Science Non-Fiction Film
“Roma: La ciudad eterna” ¶ Art Film (2018) Monochrome
"Roma: La ciudad eterna" ¶ Art Film (2018)
"Desde la caverna hacia las estrellas" ¶ Art Film (2018)
"The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away" ¶ Science Non-Fiction Film
"Dream paintings" ¶ Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2018)
"Cien años de soledad" ¶ Gabriel García Márquez (Art Film)
"Alice Guy: The mother of Cinema"
"La Roja" ¶ Fútbol es fútbol.
"Las pinturas negras, de Francisco de Goya" * Art Film (2018)
"Loveless" * My Bloody Valentine ¶ Art Film (2018)
¶ "Venecia: La ciudad de agua" ¶ Art Film (2018)
"Amar la mar" ¶ Una película dirigida por Alejandro Mos Riera (2018)
"A Love Supreme" by John Coltrane ¶ Jazz Film
The Power Of The Image ¶ 2017: The Year in pictures
"Blue Screen" ¶ Book Trailer
"Infinita belleza" ¶ Un libro de dibujos de Alejandro Mos Riera (2017)
"The Universe is made of stories" * Science Exploration Documentary Film
"Sobre la lectura" ¶ Marcel Proust
"Sobre la lectura" ¶ Marcel Proust ( Afiches )
Xixón Sound: A music journey ¶ Art Film Directed by Alejandro Mos Riera
Leonardo da Vinci "A Touch of Genius" ¶ Art Film (2017) ¶ Mimesis
Leonardo da Vinci "A Touch of Genius" ¶ Art Film (2017)
The Power Of The Image ¶ Reportage
The Power Of The Image ¶ War
The Power Of The Image ¶ Portrait
The Power Of The Image ¶ Nude
The Power Of The Image ¶ Woman
The Power Of The Image ¶ Travel
The Power Of The Image ¶ Cities
The Power Of The Image ¶ Art
The Power Of The Image ¶ Fashion
The Power Of The Image ¶ Still Life
The Power Of The Image ¶ Sport
The Power Of The Image ¶ Nature
"Songs of Spain" ¶ A indie music film
"El arte de morir" ¶ La imagen de la muerte en la pintura
“The Great Tree of Mankind” ¶ Nature documentary film (2017)
"El libro de la naturaleza" - Una película de Alejandro Mos Riera (2017)
Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston * Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera (2017)
"Museums of the World" ¶ 1000 Paintings ~ Art Film
"The Air of Words" (Famous Speeches in History) ¶ The Spirit of the Time
Live Earth ⊕ Our home in the Cosmos (2017)
"La nueva Asturias" ¶ Canciones del paraíso
"Desde la caverna hacia las estrellas"
"La aventura prodigiosa de la encajera y el rinoceronte" ¶ Salvador Dalí
Time Capsule ⊕ Voyager ※ Images on the Golden Record
Barcelona: La ciudad de las maravillas ¶ Art Film (2017)
Francisco de Goya ¶ "Caprichos"
Belle and Sebastian * "If You're Feeling Sinister" * Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2017)
"Scenes of New York" (2017) ¶ Art film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera
"La materia del tiempo" (Breve Historia del Mundo)
"The Summer Of Love" (1967) ✌ ☯ ☮ ❤ Cult Film
Leonard Cohen ❧ Songs of Life and Love
Reyes de España ¶ Retratos reales desde el Siglo XV al XXI
Portraits of Presidents of the United States
"The Stars at the Gates of Dawn" ~ The Music Of Pink Floyd
"The triumph of beauty" ~ Art Film Directed by Alejandro Mos Riera
"Colors are the sound of the soul" - The Paintings of Wassily Kandinsky * Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera
"Pictures of London" ¶ Art Film Directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2017)
"Howl" ❧ Allen Ginsberg ¶ a Poetry Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2017)
"On the road" a novel by Jack Kerouac
El perseguidor *** Julio Cortázar ¶ Jazz Film
Make Peace Not War
D-Day ~ June 6, 1944 * The Magnificent Eleven by Robert Capa
"La vida es un instante" ¶ El Arte de la Fotografía de Henri Cartier-Bresson
Evolution of Money ~ A short film
"Pale blue marble"
"Drawing sounds of life" ¶ Art Film Directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2017)
What a wonderful world
Astures * Un Fotolibro de Alejandro Mos Riera
Besos y versos
"A tiny dot of light in the inmensity of the Cosmos"
"Refugees Welcome" ¶ A documentary film about European migrant crisis
"The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot (Poetry Film) 2017 ❧ Directed by Alejandro Mos Riera
ABC de la Pintura
"Jesus de Nazaret, vida, pasión, muerte y resurrección"
Treinta y seis vistas del monte Fuji (富嶽三十六景; Fugaku Sanjūrokkei) ¶ Katsushika Hokusai
Treinta y seis vistas del monte Fuji (富士三十六景; Fuji Sanju-Rokkei) ¶ Ando Hiroshige
Blowin´ in the Mind ¶ The Music Of Bob Dylan
Johannes Vermeer ¶ "Truth is the light of time"
Sergeant Pepper's wild trip ¶ Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera
The Velvet Underground ¶ "A Factory of Sound"
Miles Davis ~ "Kind of Blue" **** A jazz Masterpiece
Your Life is Happening Right Now ¶ Art Film Directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2017)
"Endurance Expedition" ( By endurance we conquer ) ¶ Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2017)
"Northern Sky" (The songs of Nick Drake) ¶ Art Film Directed by Alejandro Mos Riera (2016)
"Alone in the crowd" ( The Art of Edward Hopper ) ¶ Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera
2016: The year in pictures
"The Power of the Image" ¶ Art Film
La invención del cine ¶ Cinema Poetry
"Luvina" ¶ Juan Rulfo
Picasso: Guernica (1937) ¶ "Icono del siglo XX"
"Obras Maestras del Museo del Prado" ¶ Película documental de Alejandro Mos Riera
Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016 ¶ "Un mundo nuevo"
Hubble Space Telescope: A Window to the Cosmos
"Dreams" ❦ Franz Kafka´s Dreams
Infinite beauty of the Universe
Poeta en Nueva York ❧ Una película dirigida por Alejandro Mos Riera
"Divina Commedia" ❦ Dante Alighieri ❦ Art Film ❧
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
"Pale Blue Dot" ⊕ Carl Sagan
"Las Huellas de la Luna" ☽
Rayuela ✱ ✱ ✱ Julio Cortázar ◈ Un largometraje dirigido por Alejandro Mos Riera
La memoria del Mar ❧ Art Film ❦ Una película dirigida por Alejandro Mos Riera
The Strange Tale of Jim Sullivan * Art Film directed by Alejandro Mos Riera
Banksy Film ❤ "Pictures on Walls"
Jesús de Nazaret, vida, pasión, muerte y resurrección ( tráiler )
Jesús de Nazaret, vida, pasión, muerte y resurrección
Cosmic Eye ⊕ ( The Scale of the Universe ) ❦ Space Exploration Film
Cosmic Eye ⊕ ( The Scale of the Universe )
“El jardín de las Delicias” ❦ Art Film ❧
Salomé, la Luna y el deseo * Una película dirigida por Alejandro Mos Riera
"La Leyenda de Don Quijote" ❦ (Primera Parte)
"La Leyenda de Don Quijote" ❦ (Segunda Parte)
El principito ❧ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Las aventuras de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas
El Sol De Picasso (2015) Una película dirigida por Alejandro Mos Riera
Café-teatro *** Una micronovela de Alejandro Mos Riera
Rayuela *** Julio Cortázar ¶ Photo-roman
El Grito infinito - una película dirigida por Alejandro Mos Riera
Oviedo, retrato de una ciudad - Una película de Alejandro Mos Riera
Un ojo en el corazón de un poeta * Una película dirigida por Alejandro Mos Riera
* The Art of Seeing * An Art Film by Alejandro Mos Riera
El viento Invisible * Alejandro Mos Riera