1) Dr.Sherif 05/04/2014 [Fasciae of the Thigh]
2) Dr.Medhat 06/04/2014 [Muscles of thigh (front) : Psoas major TO Quadriceps femoris]
3) Dr.Medhat 07/04/2014 [Adductor muscles of the thigh]
4) Dr.Medhat 08/04/2014 11.00am [Femoral triangle, Sheath & Canal]
5) Dr.Medhat 08/04/2014 01.00pm [Adductor canal - Lumbar plexus]
6) Dr. Medhat 10/04/2014 [Femoral nerve - Femoral artery]
7) Dr.Medhat 13/04/2014 [Profunda femorus artery - Obturator nerve]
8) Dr.Medhat 14/04/2014 [ veins of the lower limb - tensor fasciae latae ]
9) Dr.Medhat 15/04/2014 [Muscles of Gluteal region - The 6 lateral rotators of the hip joint]
10) Dr.Medhat 17/04/2014 [Sacral plexus - Sciatic nerve]
11) Dr.Medhat 19042012 [Hamstring muscles - Popliteal fossa - Popliteal artery]
12) Dr.Medhat 22/04/2014 11.00 am [Anterior & lateral compartment of the leg]
13) Dr.Medhat 22/04/2014 01.00 pm [Ant. tibial artery, Ant. tibial nerve & Musculocutenous nerve]
14) Dr.Medhat 26/04/2014 [Gastrocnemius TO Flexor hallucis longus]
15) Dr.Medhat 27/04/2014 [Flexor digitorum longus - Tibial nerve - Posterior tibial nerve & artery]
16) Dr.Medhat 28/04/2014 [ posterior tibial artery - the foot ]
17) Dr. Medhat 29/04/2014 [ Dorsum of Foot - Anastomoses around Knee & Ankle]
18) Dr.Medhat 03/05/2014 [knee joint]
19) Dr.Medhat 04/05/2014 [Hip joint - Tibio-fibular joint]
20) Dr.Medhat 05/05/2014 [ Intertarsal joints, Cutaneous innervation, Lymph & Arches of the foot ]
21) Dr.Medhat 06/05/2014 (body weight - walking mechanism - arteries & nerves of gluteal region)