Inside the Alpaca Industry by Alpaca Owners Association, Inc.
Alpacas trained to work in a Call Center
Alpaca Shearing at Apple Mountain Alpacas
Basic Camelid Handling, Management, and Monitoring
Parasite Control Strategies and Herd Health Programs for Llamas and Alpacas
Neonatal Care of Camelids
Approach, Halter, and Lead Your Camelids With Ease
Assessing Your Camelid Before You Call Your Veterinarian
Heat Stress in Camelids
Shearing for the Health of Your Animals
Handling, Restraint, and Field Anesthesia of Camel
Giving Injections to Alpacas and Llamas
Removing Fighting Teeth in Alpacas and Camelids
Passing a Stomach Tube In Camelids
Obtaining a Blood Sample and Preparing the DNA Blood Card
How to Skirt an Alpaca Fleece