1AudienceMagnet | 07/05/15
1petrdruker | 03/02/20
1petrdruker | 03/02/20
1petrdruker | 03/02/20
1petrdruker | 03/02/20
1George Yang | 12/17/14
The general conclusion "So ..."
This ending is used to emphasize the main idea of the speech. If the speaker speaks on the topic: “The harm of smoking,” it is important for him to fix in the minds of listeners the main idea about the negative aspects of smoking. This ending is a good option for a persuasive type of http://edussoan.com/. Thus, we can emphasize the main thesis with argumentation, repeat it again. And finally, such an ending is good for a poorly prepared audience, thanks to the repetition of a key idea.