Underneath the passing of every evolved soul such as Swami Vivekananda, there is a greater spiritual reality hidden, which we ordinarily do not grasp. This video reveals the real cause behind Swami Vivekananda's death at the early age of 39. VISIT THE SPIRITUAL BEE WEBSITE www.spiritualbee.com/ Discover answers to the fundamental questions of life, such as: Who is God? Do We Have a Soul? Why are there so many Gods in Hinduism? Why be Good, when Being Selfish is Easier? Why Does Evil Exist? Rational and scientific answers to these questions and more... JOIN THE SPIRITUAL BEE FAMILY ON FACEBOOK Receive weekly motivational quotes plus access to the latest articles and videos! www.facebook.com/SpiritualBee EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION Never miss out on the latest posts or videos! Subscribe to receive them free in your inbox! feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=spiritualbee&